West Host shut us down.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
The response I got today was from sales, not tech support. Since we are moving as soon as we can, let's just say my response to their response was not exactly placating the nice web host. It was more along the lines of "fuck you and the SQL error you rode in, and give me my goddamn money back."
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
Bumping to the recent answers list.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
Good enough. You've been more than patient. Now, truly, consider just leaving us to our Greenspun fun for *three whole days* (gasp!) and go camping. You'll come back all refreshed and everything. (Yes, minding my own business now, over here behind the soda machine. *whimper*)
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
Maan...sounds like WestHost really wants to make friends.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
Yeah, I'm pissed today. Yesterday they told me it was some other user running a large script; today they disabled PHP on our account with no notice. If they had told me yesterday that we were causing a problem, I'd have handled this much better. As it is, I'm just glad we have another option.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
FYI, in case anyone is worried, Jeremy is backing up the database right now. We'll have everything that was there as of this morning.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
Josh will be so relieved!I think it's safe to say that WestHost knows they are about 2 weeks from going out of business. Hopefully the local Walmart is hiring.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
I really don't understand this kind of behavior. Do they not realize they're alienating hundreds of potential (not to mention current) customers? The more I learn about companies of all kinds, the more amazed I am that any of them are able to stay in business. It's kind of frightening, really.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
Beth, I wholeheartedly support the notion of you and Jeremy going off this weekend for some non-computer/non-work quality time. We ( the TUS ) have survived on Greenspun before, and can do it again. I have some less than complimentary things to say about Westhost, but I will refrain from doing so in this more open forum.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
I also can't understand it. This, on top of the fact that they obviously hadn't done decent backups of your database before the last crash, really indicates a half ass effort on their part. Plus they're making my bad day worse because I couldn't get any forum. I hate that.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
You know, I feel really bad that these people say you should go camping and not worry about us. They're the Good Children. I'm the brat whose first instinct is to whine, "Nooooo! Don't have a life. Stay home and fix us!"I know -- I'm a selfish cocksucker!
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
It may not matter because the server might not get here. And if the server gets here but the second processor doesn't, we might as well go camping anyway.By the way, I totally understand West Host's need to protect their server. If we were overloading things, they don't have to just let us do that. But we aren't any busier than we've been in the past, and we had no notice, and basically they can suck my dick.
So there.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
Oh, Jenzie, my sweet innocent child. The deal is, you see, that you sit primly and say, "Oh, that's ok, don't mind about me, I'm fine, just fine, you go on ahead and have fun, don't worry about me over here sitting in the mud all ALONE and LONELY, no problem, REALLY, I'm just fine." Then Beth feels so guilty that she rushes over and fixes everything all up. Unless, of course, she doesn't. In which case, the Good Child gets to have a free hissyfit.They don't call me the Passive-Agressive Poster Child fer nuthin.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
Catherine's got it right. That's the number one way to get whatever you want. And on the rare occasions that it doesn't work, you can get double the guilt trip later if you wait a few weeks/months/years and then mention sadly how you really wanted that thing that time, but didn't want to be a nuisance by asking. Works every time.Occasionally I feel sorry for my poor mother; I'm the queen of passive aggression, and my little sister is the queen of demanding everything go her way all the time. You'd think she'd have gotten one well-adjusted child, at least.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
Fuck. 3WA is down, too. Watch productivity levels rise around the globe today.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
Oh, crap. And during birthday week, too.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
Isn't this one of the signs of impending Ragnarok?
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
huh. And see, I'm all into the evil thinking with assuming that someone on West Host reads the forum, knew we had a new server and decided to just fuck with us because they could. Yes, I am cynic bitch queen from hell today.(one good thing: I was getting cranky in the gun thread and I loathe getting cranky with my forum based relationships because I enjoy you all too much, so this at least shut me up a while.)
Catherine, please don't ever talk to my kids, 'kay? Thanks. I don't think I could handle it. (Although I am considering using your technique. heh.)
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
Catherine, you are way smarter than I. Will you be my mentor?
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
Please kill me. Thank you.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
I'm sorry, Sara. I can't do that. I've become too attached to our forum-based relationship.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
I should warn you guys, the board's going to be down for a while. I just prepaid for a whole quarter at West Host as of the week before the first crash. At this point I'm trying to get as much of that money back as possible, which means I'm not exactly behaving the same way with them that I would if I just wanted the board back online. Our usage has not increased since long before they renewed my contract on August 7, so this is not a matter of us having a big spike all of a sudden.Also, my email may be going down because I am moving xeney.com right now. xeney2@yahoo.com will always find me.
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002