Mpeg1 question : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, i just built a fast system at home. AMD athlon 2000+xp 256 MB DDR ram and a 64 NVidia gforce2 pci card (i know not the best card but it faithfully covers my game req.)

I'm able to capture directly to vcd mpeg1 without any frame drops unlike before with a 500mhz system, but the quality is dreadful. there is perfect synchronization with the video and audio, but the video is blocky or not sharp. What is the cause for this if you know?

I dont want to go back to recording in avi. i recorded at a higher bit rate for x-men cartoons i just recorded and it looks better, but i'm not sure if it will work. So my question is why am i getting blocky recordings? thanks in advance.

-- daniel b (, August 28, 2002


VCD uses a pretty low bit rate. Even under the best of circumstances, you can't totally eliminate blocks. I'm not familiar with your capture card, but some are better than others. It has been my experience that you can get better results with a card that does hardware encoding. Dazzle makes such cards. ATI cards and your card probably do software encoding, which doesn't give as good results.

-- Root (, August 29, 2002.

This is daniel again from above...

I realize that you are right Root, When i asked the question above i hadn't seen all of my video and the bluryness is mostly in the begining. i also noticed it apears when there are a lot of fine lines on the screen on light colors like peach and light blue (on cartoons) thanks for the help. Looks like my new fast system does work. i have an ATI video capture card the value edition. Works ok. thanks

-- daniel b (, August 29, 2002.

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