anybody home? : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Yoooohooooo!Anybody home?
-- editrix (, August 27, 2002
Flingie! You're here!We're having a discussion (well, I'm trying to =get= people to have a discussion) over at the Exile "boards" about what we should do to consolidate all these boards we have.
Community Zero wants to charge us $75 a year to use theirs. I'm not in favor of that, since people just plain aren't using these boards. Dammit. :)
What do you think? How about keeping on using the one right here?
Another option is EZ Board, which is one of those web-based bulletin boards. I set one up as a test: it's at -- m/bdavincisexile
Whaddya think? (Oh, you have to register over at EZ Board to post anything there. Fast to do and free.)
I'm rather fond of this old board, myself ... but alas, no one seems to be using them! Waaaaaaa.....
-- editrix` (, September 17, 2002. ;) just got to thinkin bout this place the other day. Thought the Excite chat was dead! how you? I'm supposed to be on the job hunt (again) so I best git...Fling
-- flingding (, September 17, 2002.