what is going on NOW?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread |
does anyone have any idea what peter chung is up to now, or if anyone has considered making a full length AF feature?
-- solomon (webmaster@corecore.net), August 24, 2002
Well, Animatrix right.....
-- Sam (janecherrington@paradise.net.nz), August 25, 2002.
Go check: http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl? msg_id=009jbl
-- Sam (janecherrington@paradise.net.nz), August 25, 2002.
And his future "big atheistic animated epic".Heh. I still get a chuckle from that line. Someday I hope to make a big polytheistic animated epic ^_^
-- Inu (paul@nadisrec.com), August 25, 2002.
Like Hercules :)
-- Sam (janecherrington@paradise.net.nz), August 25, 2002.
Darren Aranofsky, (pi, requiem for a dream) was attached to a paramount prod of Aeon, but I think they're option in the mtv liscenced character lapsed years ago.
-- Budweiser green (kileregreen@hotmail.com), August 26, 2002.
See the whole problem here has always been that since in HWD that "The Game Is To Be Sold, Not To Be Told", we never even been playing any of that we came to DEEEEE-STROOOOOOY
-- Mark Mars (artian@charter.net), August 27, 2002.