Jesus Christ Superstar...the broadway show! : LUSENET : Heath Chat : One Thread

Hey all you Heath lovers! Well this isn't really about Heath, I wish it was cuz that would be cool........anyways! I am here to inform you all the Sebastian Bach just took on the lead role for the up and coming broadway show "Jesus Christ Superstar"!!!! How cool is that! The tour starts on November 1st 2002 in La Mirada California at the La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts. The whole tour will last untill August 10th 2003! I am definetely gonna see it, my mommy said so! I wouldn't miss it if i were you! Plus I have all the info, so if any of you want to know if the show is coming to your town, or near you just e-mail me at, or you can post the question on the message board and I will answer it! And if you want any info on Sebastian Bach's history in the broadway asts, you can ask me that stuff too! Well I hope you check it out!

Keep Rockin! :-D

-- Carrie (C.J.) (, August 24, 2002

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