Looking for ticket? 1 available in LA - $175

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread

1 ticket available - $175 is what I paid, its yours for the same. We have 4, but only 3 people... Can meet in LA, or leave at the gate jim9876@hotmail.com

-- jim burningman (jim9876@hotmail.com), August 21, 2002


will come and get tonight!!!!!


619 675 4711 San Diego...

-- (rossgrindley@hotmail.com), August 25, 2003.

Hey i'm looking for just one ticket.. if you got one please inform me..

-- Kelly Walsh (neptune686@yahoo.com), June 03, 2003.

is the ticket still available? let me know asap! thanks

-- keith (funnyboyz@aol.com), August 28, 2002.

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