CofG operations around Florala, Alabama : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Does anyone on the CG net have information regarding Florala, Alabama operations. Facts known at this time are that a wye existed just NE of town where the line came in from MacRae, the main track went right through town at the current police station, which explains the odd shape of that building. The south end of the wye went to Lake Jackson, presumably for taking on water. This end of the wye goes generally SE, in a curve, through a residential subdivision that I and an associate are surveying. If anyone can provide me with any information such as ROW width (appears to be 50'), track curve information, footage from the wye turnout to the end of track, year service was discontinued or when track was razed (sometime before 1937), both I and the several residents affected by the long abandoned ROW will appreciate it very much. To further complicate the issue, the L & N had track laid to the sawmill at Lakewood, Florida, and their track and the bottom end of the wye would have been side by side for some distance, possibly to a man made ditch that lies about 1/2 mile S-SE of the grade crossing of Highway 331. When this project is completed, I will be glad to provide an update of the location of the track to anyone interested. C. N. Lloyd

-- C. N. Lloyd (, August 21, 2002


The track were still in place in December 1943. Both the L&N and GC. Walked the tracks many times as a kid out to Boles grist mill about 7 miles from town. Hunted along the tracks too.

-- Don (, May 28, 2003.

The track were still in place in December 1943. Both the L&N and GC. Walked the tracks many times as a kid out to Boles grist mill about 7 miles from town.

-- Don (, May 28, 2003.

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