reg version of dup dvd only burns one cd : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have a rgestered version of dup-dvd and I am only getting one cd burned.Am I doing something wrong.It says it will take two cd's after the first has burned it never asks for a second,Iput a bland cd in and it just sits there and the program is not reading from the disk,everything appears to be at a standstill.I am using vcd format. Thanks! Dan

-- Dan Roberts (, August 20, 2002


you may need to upgrade ur dvd & cdrw drivers, dup dvd may not know how to talk to ur drives, & try e-mailing the makers of dup-dvd with the makes of ur drives they maybe be able to help in makin it compatible !

-- Rudestar (, September 06, 2002.

you may need to upgrade ur dvd & cdrw drivers, dup dvd may not know how to talk to ur drives, & try e-mailing the makers of dup-dvd with the makes of ur drives they maybe be able to help in makin it compatible !

PS. if u have a cute sister whos lookin for a man tell her to e-mail me some time...

-- Rudestar (, September 06, 2002.

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