Vcd offer in Malaysia & Singapore : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Wannt to buy just click or . Fast Service ......

-- Plspong (, August 20, 2002


VCDS are sold very cheap here in Malaysia. I can get them for you if you are interested, email me and let me know.

-- Wayne Ras (, August 29, 2002.

Hai Good morning Iam Ramji i like to buy some cd's as blank non branded upto {3to3.50} so please send me a message as soon as possibale ok .

Yours Faithfully RAMJI.D CHENNAI{INDIA} 22/9/2002

-- durai ramji (, September 22, 2002.

Hai Good morning Iam Ramji i like to buy some cd's as blank non branded upto {3to3.50} so please send me a message as soon as possible ok .

Yours Faithfully RAMJI.D CHENNAI{INDIA} 22/9/2002

-- durai ramji (, September 22, 2002.

wat kind of vcds r we tokig 'bout here?

-- medusa (, October 20, 2002.

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