I want to buy an old TV series I dream of Jeannie

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am from Indonesia and I am looking for a classic TV series I dream of Jeannie, is there anyone have it, because i really want it. Thank you.

-- Novi Kamelia (nvika@astaga.com), August 18, 2002


re-reuns on tvland all the time Get cable

-- Major Nelson (sgtyork@hotmail.com), August 18, 2002.

I don't they get TV Land in Indonesia but anything's possible...

-- (!@!.!), August 18, 2002.

I have several (6 or 7) VHS in the original boxes.

-- DeeDee Brown (DBelindaToney@aol.com), January 24, 2003.

Hi there I will try to ask some of my friends here in australia , and see if I could help you to get the tv series I dream of jeni..

but also I would like to note: that I am looking for the tv series called the FUGITIVE..AND ONE CALLED LOVE BOAT>> so if you know or knows some one pls find out for me ...with many thanks and regards


-- Aref nassar (alannaj184@msn.com), September 16, 2003.

Hi Novi

There is a web site called www.GGGG.com that has many classic TV programs check it out, I belive you will find what your looking for.

Regards Michael

-- michael denicola (mfdenicola@netscape.com), October 03, 2003.

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