Virtual Underwire - Quitting Smoking : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

The Nicoderm patch is keeping me going on quitting smoking. I'm up to 17 days. I forgot the patch yesterday though, had a nicotine jones, and had to drive home on my lunch hour to pick one up. I've get extras stashed in my purse now. I discovered that Costco carries them so I've saving even more money by not spending on cigarettes. I am never starting again because quitting is just not fun.

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2002


way to go! you can do it! yeah!

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2002

there will be a time, (although far in the future) where you won't really ever want a cigarette again. the idea of one will sound good, but you will eventually hate the taste and smell.

it took many years of trying for me to get this way (and I did cave and have one on sept. 11) but it will happen. keep at it! it's worth it.

oh, and find something useful to do with the money you are saving... a pedicure maybe, or 1/2 hour massage.

-- Anonymous, August 18, 2002

I am very impressed. i am going to quit smoking soon, part of my spruce my my life up, and try to get it back on track. I am glad to get some first hand information that the patch works.....

-- Anonymous, August 18, 2002

I echo the suggestion to treat yourself with the money saved. Especially in those first few weeks/months, it's a great motivator to keep going. As is the thought of not having to go through that first part ever again. You're right, it's so not fun in the beginning. But it really does get better. You'll be glad you stuck with it, promise!

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2002

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