Which adress is the right one?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Heath Chat : One Thread

Hi! I would like to know, if anybody who has written Heath, got an answer. I have written a letter and drawed a picture of him and now I want to know, which adress is the right one. Thx Nadine P.S.:Sorry, when I've done some mistakes, my english isn't the best. (I'm from Germany)

-- Nadine Carstens (littlemarouk@gmx.de), August 17, 2002


There are a couple of addresses to write Heath at. They are listed on the "write Heath" section of the site. The newer one is more reliable than the others though. Let me know if you have any other questions.

-- Gina Hart (ginalyn@intouchmi.com), August 25, 2002.

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