Muscogee Junction : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Does anyone have any info on Muscogee Junction in Columbus? I would love to know where the old station was. If there are any pictures I would love to see them. I would love to know the dates it was there also. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks. Jan

-- janice page (, August 17, 2002


At the time the 1898 station list was issued, Muscogee Junction station did not sell tickets or receive freight, and there was no agent. There also was no siding capacity.

Essentially, Muscogee Junction was just a fork in the road. The station list does not indicate if there was an actual station building at this time and it is possible there was not.

Listed as Station M 288, Muscogee Juction, was the last station on the Fourth Division between Americus and Columbus and on the Third Division Between Fort Valley and Columbus. Columbus was on the Fourth Division between Columbus and Birmingham. Later the divisions were reorganized.

Ron. Wright

-- Ron. Wright (, August 18, 2002.

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