Big Brother 3 : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Okay, just to carry over a thread from the other place, does everyone think it's a cinch Josh will go this week? I'm not so sure. I haven't been reading internet sites, so I won't know about veto votes until tonight's ep. I'm just not sure Josh is out of there so easily.

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002


I do know the veto stuff, but I don't know how well spoiler text would work here, and you'll all find out in two hours anyway.

But no, I'm not convinced Josh will be leaving this week. It's likely, but I don't think it's definite.

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002

Yeah, I've got a gut feeling that Josh won't be out, either, much to my dismay. I've avoided the live feed updates at Joker's this week just because I know I'll be furious if whoever gets the power of veto changes the nominations. Well, I guess I'll know for sure in an hour and be back here to vent.

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002

I missed practically the whole show because I'm helping to plan a going away brunch for a friend and was on the phone. I did get to see the last ten minutes, including the veto vote. Tomorrow should be VERY interesting.

FYI, New Yorkers: BB will be pre-empted tomorrow because there's a Jets game on at 8:00. There was a crawl on the bottom of the screen that said the show will be aired on Friday morning at 2:07 AM. And me without a VCR. The dirty bastards.

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002

I saw that crawl on the screen. If it's worth it to you, mayaroo, I'll be taping it. I still have to get your book back to you, but that all might not happen before Saturday's show (which I'll also be taping) anyway. Let me know.

I think that Roddy will be the one to go. I think Danielle is BRILLIANT. Lisa is finally getting interesting. Chiara is just as bad as Josh (if not worse). Though I dislike Josh immensely, I find it sad that he has so little faith in himself (or understanding of the game) that he could actually think there's no possible chance that he'll be staying. It did shake things up and I'm glad he felt he had nothing to lose and could absolutely speak the truth. This game is just getting interesting. Lord please do not bring back Tanya!

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2002

I Tivo BB3, so if anyone ever needs tapes I can make them. However, you should let me know *before* the show that you might not be able to tape. I usually delete the show right after watching it, so I'll need to know to save it to make tapes.

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2002

imp: if you know someone who would like to read the book, you can pass it on. It's not one that I want to keep. I'd probably end up offering it to anyone here who wants to read it, anyway.

I'm actually going to try to watch the show tonight. I'll probably go to bed early and get up at 2:00. Since I only work half a day tomorrow, I should be okay as far as sleep goes. However, if it wouldn't be a hassle to save the tape for me just in case I miss it, we can figure out some way to meet up and if it's not before Saturday, that's cool.

Last night's show almost makes me want Roddy to be the one to go just to see the look on Chiara's face, even though I loathe Josh. Then if Eric wins the booted houseguests competition, I will laugh my ass off. Just don't let Tonya win, please. It hurts my eyes to look at her.

Hey, I've got nothing against big breastesses, but unless you're a stripper by profession, there ought to be a law to determine how big you can get those things. Tonya's implants just ain't cute, no matter how much she thinks they are.

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2002

Okay. I actually know several people who want to read the book, so thanks!

I abhor Tanya and her big breastages....I hope it's either Eric of Amy. I'm interested to see what the returned evictee competition will be. I'm thinking it might replace the HoH competition tonight, because I heard a rumor that whoever returns automatically gets HoH. That way they can't be evicted again immediately. That should put another very interesting wrinkle in the game if it's true. If it's Eric, then I am guessing he'd put up Chiara for eviction. Which would be lots of fun!

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2002

So, I still haven't gotten to watch last night's episode yet, but I'm all caught up on the eviction, returning guest, and HOH via live feed recaps. I wouldn't mind being caught up on whatever else happened, though -- anything interesting? Or just the usual whiny crap?

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2002

Ooh...I was taking a risk coming in here today, as I haven't watched last night's episode yet. I don't know who was evicted, who returned, or any other juicy details. I can't wait to get home and watch my tape tonight.

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2002

I ended up watching most of it, though I had found out from Joker's earlier in the evening who had been evicted and who came back in.

Semi-spoiler at the end for those who would rather wait to watch...

The only thing of any note that happened was that Josh and Roddy had a blow up after Roddy was told that Josh had apparently tried to campaign some of the others to vote Roddy out after he said he wouldn't. Josh first talked to Gerry, saying that this wold be their best chance to get Roday out. Gerry then told Marcellas that Josh would probably approach him about voting against Roddy. Marcellas, of course, told Roddy what was going on and Roddy confronted Josh in front of everyone. Josh was pissed that Chiara had campaigned for Roddy before the nominations and denied that he had approached anyone, saying that they had come to him.

The argument was played down when Julie Chen asked them about it, but it probably was the biggest contributor to the end result.

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2002

When the chance for spoilage is done, could someone explain Lisa to me?

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2002

What do you want explained? The way she voted, or just *her* in general? I think I can explain the former, but haven't quite figured out the latter.

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2002

Her vote.

My favorite moment of this series thus far has to be Lisa laughing after Josh came in all teary to plead for Roddy.

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2002

Ah, okay. Spoilers ahead, then, for anyone who hasnt' seen the last couple episodes. (Might be some live feed spoilers too; I get a little mixed up as to what does and doesn't actually make it to air.)

Basically, Lisa has been won over to the Dani/Jason+Marcellas alliance. Dani let Lisa in on the fact that Chiara voted to evict her last week, and Lisa started getting pissed off. Since then she's been getting closer to the uncool kids, strategizing with them, and catching Chiara in more and more lies. She wants Chiara out of the house very badly at this point. Eric, however, is still tight with Chiara and Roddy. So however much Lisa would like Eric back for her personal fun, he's a vote for the clique she's left, and Amy is much more likely to vote with Dani, Marcellas, and Jason. So Amy was a better vote for her strategically. She seems to have pretty much decided that now she's playing to win, and she can do that better without Eric around.

Well, assuming she doesn't get over being pissed off at Chiara and decide to rejoin the Roddy/Chiara clique. In which case she will have screwed herself over.

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2002

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