TUS Dreams

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

My drug induced dream had Beth grabbing www.bethadone.com and yelling at people to stop sending her money via paypal for a new server.

Tell me about your dreams.

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002


I dreamed that there was this huge national news story that rudeboy (of all people!) had bought a $500,000 wedding ring for his wife. It had gotten stolen, and the insurance company was all, "That's what you get for taking something that expensive out in public." I thought that was all weird because why would you buy a wedding ring and then not wear it? In the dream, I desparately wanted to post on the boards to find out if anyone else had known rudeboy was leading a secret rich-guy-with-wife life.

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002

I slap myself for not looking at the full list of threads before posting about my happy TUS dream in Tell Me Something Good! Too much bethadone, maybe. It was a good dream, though.

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2002

Before the thunder woke me up last night I dreamed that Beth was yelling at me about something. Or maybe she was just giving me advice very loudly, I'm not sure. And some of the other Suspects were kind of wandering around but I don't know who they were.

In the middle of the night I knew what Beth was yelling at me about but I don't remember now.

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2002

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