TUS audio book

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

ack! I know just Karen's tape is out but my list of who did which chapter is on the ...um WAS on the forum, along with any means I had to contact the participants.

If you read a chapter please send me an email with: Your username, your name as you want it listed on the CD jacket, what chapter you read, your email address and your mailing address.

Don' post that here - email me. Thanks!

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002


Lynda, I can access SOME of that information if you don't get in touch with anyone. Like, um, the names and chapters. E-mails I can't get because all the user records are hosed.

But if you would like, I can also post this message on the front page at xeney.net, if we don't have the forum up soon.

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002

A post on the front door would be a great idea - thanks!

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002

Do you want me to use the e-mail address you're using here? (Your BF one is bouncing, by the way. You probably know that.)

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002

Yes, thanks - use this address. I've gotten a few responses - hopefully we'll be able to round everyone up.

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002

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