What you're reading, watching, wearing, eating, and sleeping with.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
I have 20 pages left in One Hundred Years of Solitude. I watched An Ideal Husband recently and thought it was pretty good. I'm wearing my favorite summer dress, a flax-colored linen shift that magically does not wrinkle and always makes me look slightly anorexic. I'm not eating anything because I'll throw up if I do. I haven't gotten laid in a couple of days because I'm a neurotic mess, but I'm hoping to change that soon.Your turn.
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
Hee. "What you're sleeping with." Ew.
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
Started today and just finished "The Miraculous Day of Amalia Gomez." It was good, a very vivid picture of life as a poor Mexican-American in LA. Depressing but ended on something of an up note. Wearing the same black T-shirt and sweatpants I slept in. Eating (well, eaten) yummy leftover Mexican spaghetti. Sleeping with... yeah. Anyway.
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
Reading: Evolutionary psych textbook. Also assorted online journals because without the forum, I had to have something to do to pass the time. Currently, the livejournal of the wench involved in the great cheating debacle of last month. Apparently she saw Len and me walking together on campus earlier and is venting at great length about what a bitch I am. This amuses me in a sick sort of fashion.Watching: Last night, "The Business of Strangers." Tonight, American Idol. Oh, how I have fallen.
Wearing: Denim shorts and a white bra. Earlier there was a Princess Mononoke t-shirt over the bra, but it's too damn hot out for clothing.
Eating: Nothing right now. Earlier, grilled cheese. For dinner, probably pasta of some description.
Sleeping with: No one, the last few days. I've been in a depressed funk and not in the mood for such things. The funk is lifting, though, so perhaps tonight or tomorrow. I'll be sure to update the Booty Calendar accordingly.
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
Just started reading J. Anthony Lukas's Big Trouble, but I don't really know if that counts yet, as I'm only 13 pages into an 875-page book.Watched Austin Powers and XXX this weekend and liked them both. I'm anxiously awaiting tonight's episode of "American Idol"- -I have to admit, I kind of like Burt Bachrach. I'm hoping RJ will sing "Though the Eyes of Love" (a.k.a. the theme from the classic film "Ice Castles.")
I'm wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt I got for running a half- marathon last year and my levi's. Had a tofu salad sandwich (like egg salad, but with tofu instead of egg) and some grapes for lunch.
I can't even remember the last time I slept with anyone other than myself. Oh, wait, I shared a hotel room with my parents two weeks ago, does that count?
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
reading: dogeaters by jessica hagedorn, which is not capturing my attention at all, and wild seed by octavia butler, which is making me slightly depressed.watching: fellowship of the ring, which i posted about before the board went down. *sniff*
wearing: a white tank top that my mom gave me on my last visit (every time i see her, i go home with more free shirts), loose brown GAP "capri pants" which are more like highwaters on me, and brown birkenstocks. it's hot here.
eating: nothing today but a bowl of cereal. soon to be remedied, i hope.
sleeping with: same guy and cats as usual.
i miss y'all!
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
I just finished reading Manuel Puig's Kiss of the Spider Woman. I never saw the movie, so it was all new to me, and I liked it much. Now I'm reading nothing because all my books are in boxes.Watching? The TV's in a box too, and I can't think of a single movie I want to see. Feh on August and summer dreck.
I'm wearing black pants, an obnoxiously bright flowered shirt that features a huge orange poppy across my right breast, and black sandals. For lunch I had this odd cabbage gratin thingie which would have been better if I'd salted it, and for dinner? Probably pizza. (Because the food's in, say it with me, boxes!)
I'm sleeping with the devil. Oddly enough, he gives really good backrubs.
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
Reading: freaking _Dhalgren_. Watching: not much at all, really. Wearing: cream and yellow sweater set, brown pants. I look like a bumblebee. Eating: one of those new Mojo bars by the Clif people. It's pretty good. Sleeping with: my guy, but he's been staying up late working, so cuddles have been scarce of late.
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
Just watched xXx and it kicked some booty!
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
Reading: Started Uncle Tungsten on the train ride home and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the first two Lemony Snicket books, thanks to Beth (hope you feel better soon).Eating: Popcorn, as it's too feckin' hot to even think about turning the stove on to cook and I have no cash to order out. Plus I had two big pieces of pizza for lunch and am not that hungry.
Watching: Ground Force, at the moment. I'll probably end up watching Rock Star on HBO later since there's not much else on tonight. I'm over American Idol, but I'll probably check in tomorrow to see who got the boot. Did y'all hear that Tamyra had to be hospitalized last week? I saw it on Access Hollywood last week - a ruptured cyst, I think? - but she's okay.
Wearing: my favorite baby doll lounging on the couch dress, printed with daffodils on a black background.
Sleeping with: my two girls - the cats, of course. There's no human company on the horizon, unfortunately.
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
Reading: just finished Coercion, which had some interesting info, but Rushkoff's tone really grates on me.Watching: last night was The Third Man, which I absolutely loved. The twists really were unexpected.
Wearing: the usual. Work shirt, black jeans, boots, studded belt.
Eating: I just had a bag of microwave popcorn. Why? Because it was 80 cents, and the vending machine is stuck on "exact change only".
Sleeping with: no comment.
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
Reading: Lorrie Morgan's _Birds of America_, after reading it for the first time on Friday. I didn't love it, but I liked some passages very much.Watching: nothing right now, and no plans for anything later tonight.
Wearing: grey boxers and a white t-shirt with THE PARKS SHAKESPEARE COMPANY printed in green on the front. Oh, and a black butterfly clip is keeping my messy hair away from my face and off my neck.
Eating: a spinach salad with Annie's Goddess dressing. Yum.
Sleeping with: the airconditioning
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
I am rereading John Sandford's Prey series. Stops me from thinking. I haven't watched anything but schlock TV. Not even Meg Ruffman in a toolbelt. Shorts and a T-Shirt proclaiming to the world that I got spooked at the Haunted Highlands, and I am currently sleeping with a TV remote control, a laptop and Junior, my teddy bear from my childhood.
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
Still reading "Last of the Mohicans" for my American Fiction class. If anyone has any advice on how to get through this wretched book, I'm all ears. That's in between reading random Jonathan Kellerman mysteries, cause I'm the Queen of Procrastination
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
Wow -- I picked a good time to be offline! I get home from visiting my grandma and grandpa the past 2 days and wonder what happened. Beth, that sucks!I am reading The Club Dumas and The Name of the Rose at the same time. I think I am insane.
I am taking tomorrow off work to spend time with holidaying Chris, and painting the kitchen. Go me!
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
In the middle of Perdido Street Station. I watched Donnie Darko on the weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm wearing sweaty shorts and a bright yellow team t-shirt because I just got home from the bar we went to after our game, where I had vaguely edible nachos and a beer. Unbeknownst to us, it was karaoke night, which was good for a laugh. Very shortly I'll be sleeping with my teddy bear and a fan.
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
Reading: a collection of Raymond Carver short stories Watching: American idle and several windows on my laptop tracking flight prices to Mexico Eating: I made my own dinner tonight. Which means I had a toasted plain bagel with peanut butter and marmalade Wearing: a geek blue T-shirt (the freebie kind you get at conventions and conferences), blue biker shorts, and white socks. I'm stylin' In general: going through intense withdrawal b/c of lack of TUS. Suddenly I feel I don't know what to read or listen to, anymore!
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
I listened to the second Bridget Jones book in the car, and now I'm halfway through Tepper Isn't Going Out. Oh, and I listened to The Nanny Diaries while I was on a housecleaning spree. But I haven't actually READ anything.And, guppy dahhhhling, I had one of my so-called fancy sandwiches today. Sourdough baguette. Spread chevre on it, sprinkle some fresh taragon, add arugula and tomato--and then salt, pepper, and a sprinkle of vinegar. And chicken breast--baked on Sunday in order to make left-overs-on-purpose.
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
Wearing sweats and a tank top. Very sexy.Waiting for the the to come home so we can watch American Idol. Saw 10 Things I Hate About You this weekend. Loved it. Also saw Knight's Tale, so it was a full Heath Ledger weekend, and I didn't it was half bad. Also saw Waiting for Guffman. Good stuff, there.
Not eating. Already had dinner, but I really want a snack. I'm trying to hold out. Plus, we don't actually have chocolate cake, which is what I want, for some reason.
I did snuggle up with my cat earlier. He's limping and I got all freaked out. I'm going to take him to the vet tomorrow, even though I'm sure he's perfectly fine.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Sweats and a tank here too. Tres sexy!Eating grilled cheese sandwicheds and reading the second book in The Deptford Trilogy. Have re-kindled my long term crush on Roberston Davies.
I spent the portion of today I would have spent at TUS configuring Moveable Type. I have an online journal ready to roll - now I just need to write something.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
I just got back from eating pizza with little artichoke hearts on it not too long ago. And we just saw About a Boy, which I loved shamelessly and without reservation (and which may have made me cry in bits, but I am both admitting nothing and emotionally fragile). I finished with the Lemony Snicket books a few days ago (and might be in love with the man), read an entire chapter of the recommended-by- Olivia-Goldsmith-marriage-comedy book thing (and had to shut it and throw it across the room before it choked all the breath out of me), and am reading Instances of the Number 3 (which is odd in a way I can't put my finger on, and I don't think I like very much). I'm wearing cropped yoga pant thingies and a hello kitty t-shirt (which I may sleep in, because I have burly men coming first thing in the morning to fix my sink). And I am sleeping with Clarence (Who is a bear. Sadly).
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Wearing: Paul Smith poloshirt, suede boots and putty-coloured khakis....loose fitting, bland clothes for an interminable project meeting to last all dayReading: 'Deal Breaker' by Harlan Coben. Can't believe it's taken so long to discover this guy. Funniest hoop star-turned Fed-turned sports agent gumshoe novels ever......
Eating: Toast with cow butter and peanut butter for bricfeasta, tons o'fruit for lunch and pasta for dinner
Watching: Penultimate episode of '24' last night. Whoo doggie, they really ran out of ideas there, didn't they? And that uberhack Hopper totally stole his accent from The Count.
Listening: 'Dig' by Boz Scaggs....sheer silk in a stereo, baby
Sleeping: With Herself, of course!
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Still working my way through Madame Bovary, but enjoying it. Dipping into Hunter Davies - A Walk in the West Indies which is untaxing.I brought a handful of contemporary music into work yesterday to impress Philip, but you know how that turned out. I'll stick on The Breeders - Title TK in a minute.
Last night was a goats cheese toastie with salad and raspberry vinagrette. For breakfast - slightly stale Crunchy Nut Cornflakes.
Sleeping with the window open. It gets warm in here at night.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
I'm not reading anything at the moment, I just finished Behind the Scenes at the Museum and I haven't started my next book. I think I might finish reading The Red Tent first. Last night I watched an interesting program about memories on BBC. I am wearing navy wide leg pants and a lavender and pale blue striped t-shirt and the ever present sandals. I am having a girlfriend over for lunch and we will be having chicken and salsa wraps - yum. I am currently sleeping with the same person I've been sleeping with for 5 years.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
I'm still reading The Age of Reason and have started Bryson's A Walk in the Woods. I saw a media preview of Y Tu Mama Tambien last weekend, it was pretty good although I truly hated the way the sound cut out when the narrator spoke.I'm wearing a tank top and pj pants as I'm about to get busy with the housework. I shall put on some random MP3s to listen to, comprising mostly of the Hives, Sleater-Kinney, BRMC, The Dears and a bit of Patsy Cline for good luck.
After I clean, I'm cooking dinner, which will be a nice thick steak, green beans with goats cheese and walnuts and a mega pile of mashed potatoes.
Tonight I'll go to bed alone, but if I have any energy, that fantasy involving my sexy Marxist university tutor and office might make an appearance.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
I'm reading Running in High Heels by Anna Maxted, because, um. I don't actually have good excuses. Except for the jet lag, the heat, the humidity, the mess in the kitchen and the fact that I'm on vacation. I'm wearing a full-lenght black linen dress with small moth-like creatures on it. Seriously. They could be flies or something, I suppose. It's not a pretty sight, but it's reasonably cool. (Did I mention the heat?)I had caramel icecream for breakfast.
I miss you guys!
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Reading: the words of the Suspects, thank goodness. Actually, that's about it, aside from my regular assortment of in-progress books around the house - a Katharine Hepburn bio, one of those Grafton letter mysteries, something called _The Dead School_ that I can't manage to get into. But I'm listening to _Black Boy_, which is good.Watching: the news - a story about a 70ish woman who was kidnapped in a home invasion in the exclusive area of Buckhead. They keep showing footage of her adorable 70-something boyfriend (and his sweet old Southern accent and tie clip) and the also adorable scraggly little 12 year old pooch from the Atlanta Humane Society (they keep saying that) who bit the intruder. They think he burned her Mercedes when he released her to cover up his blood all over it. Despite the fact that she's bruised and terrified (her guy says maybe they'll go away for a few days), her car is toast, and the bad guy is still on the loose, I like this story.
Last night, American Idol. I'm horrified that we made a conscious effort to see it. I liked the Bacharach theme, the Frau didn't - claimed not to know 3 of the 5 songs, but she may just be being stubborn. Also, she's pulling for Tamyra, I'm pulling for Kelly. Just in case y'all are wondering.
Eating: a lot of fried pork tenderloin sandwiches the past few days (Hi, Plin!). It's really ridiculous how much I love them. And the Frau raves and raves (mostly in the form of, "I can't believe you made those delicious fancy things!") She says "fancy" a lot, but she doesn't mean fancy like what Nita makes.
Sleeping with: not the beag, sadly. He was sick last night, woke up at 11:30, puked, slept the rest of the night in his chair. Poor thing.
Wearing: uh, currently a tie-dyed Lithuanian basketball shirt, blue and white striped boxers (like seersucker, but not, but wouldn't that be cool?), black Nike slides. Wow, I'm scared of me.
Whew. I think that's it.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
reading: well, --kavalier and clay--, and you guys, of course.i missed you guys. i had no place to bitch. i had no thoughtful advice. i had no celebrity gossip. it was sad, you know.
watching: heh, the cows, of course. no tv here in the hinterlands.
wearing: standard issue white t-shirt, black paint-spattered skirt, ever-so-sassy glasses, and my tennies.
i am packing everything else. i fly back tomorrow. please help me hold up the plane around noontime, ok?
eating: nothing. too sick.
sleeping with: only my memories.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
I was going to have a really good answer for "sleeping with" - a friend was coming from Hungary with six of his friends and they were all going to spend the night at my place. Now I get a phone call saying they've decided Helsinki is too boring to spend more than an afternoon in, and they'll be pushing on to Stockholm tonight. Oh well, at least the apartment is clean.Reading: eh, just work stuff for my upcoming conference papers and the eternal dissertation. Work expands to fill all time; I was trying to stay out of fast-moving forums for a while anyway but I hope you get it back where you want it once my crunch is over.
Watching: all my shows are over, so I'm just watching whatever movie is on TV. Silence of the Lambs which I didn't appreciate enough when it came out, Brazil which I'd never seen, The Towering Inferno. I keep wondering if the last two were being shown as part of 9/11 therapy.
Wearing: black scoop-necked T-shirt, black workout pants, black Roman sandals. Do I ever have an interesting answer? This outfit is the "and I won't change for jazz class, because I can just go home and shower" outfit.
Eating: nothing, because I'm waiting for the Hungarians to call again and suggest a place to meet and eat.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
reading The Goncourt brothers' diaries, that are weirdly fascinating. I now know at wat age Flaubert lost his virginity and to whom, what he when visiting a brothel, and how he lost most of his money. Among many other things.watching Nothing in particular. The rerun of an athletics meeting in Helsinki on EuroSport.
wearing Striped boxer short and a white wifebeater. It's just that warm.
eating out tonight.
sleeping with A Dutch wife ( = long round pillow)
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
I'm not reading anything. Those books I bought a month ago are still sitting on the bed wall mocking the back of my head every night.I watched Rock Star last night. I think I'm finally ready to acknowledge my crushes on Mark Wahlberg and Jennifer Aniston.
I'm wearing tan capri's and a light blue sleeveless blouse. I don't care much for light blue but my tan loves it. I had Rice Chex for breakfast and I'm drinking the so-so office provided coffee.
I'm sleeping with my husband. Really. Because he's got a killer week ahead of him and needs as much of the 7 hours he's home a day to sleep. The weekend is my friend.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Today's (increasingly frantic) thesis-related reading has ranged from organizational legitimacy to the writings of a 15th-century cardinal on the role of ignorance, with brief forays into learning theory and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. "Regular" reading is some trash detective novel that is perfect because it is entirely unmemorable.Last night Dario rented Scream on DVD. We'd already seen the movie a zillion times, which was perfect since I wasn't really paying attention, but it was bizarre because the English track only covered 90% of the film. Then, almost at the very end, silence. At first we thought it was defective, but then we went into the language selection menu and yep, there were two options: (a) Italiano, and (b) English (90% of film). We'd somehow not noticed that little disclaimer, or ignored it because it made no sense. It still makes no sense.
Wearing, um, white shorts and a pink camisole with white cutwork at the top. No one is going to see me for a couple more days, so I'm not exactly breaking out the Best of Plin when it comes to wardrobe these days.
I was just taking a break to eat a frozen yogurt (as in, container of nonfat pineapple yogurt kept in the freezer overnight. I highly recommend it as a cool, non-fattening snack). I'm thinking tonight I will probably have what I've had almost every night for the past month: a huge bowl of tomatoes and/or bell peppers and/or cucumbers that Dario has thoughtfully cut up for me to eat with garlic salt, pepper, and some basi from the balcony. No time to cook, hardly any time to eat. On the plus side, I've dropped a couple of pounds.
Sleeping with: presumably my husband and cat, as usual. I've been sleeping terribly lately, but there's most assuredly no other action going on. The weekend should bring a break in the weather, I hope.
Yogurt finished, thus break over. Sigh.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Re: American Idol: Burt Bacharach is adorable, but didn't you cringe for him as he dissected the vocal abilities of the prospective Idols? It just seemed wrong. Also, Nikki sucks, man. How did she get this far? I thought most of the kids seemed to have a harder time with the Bacharach songs than other songs they've sung. Something about the pacing.I can't believe you people have me watching this show.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Reading: A really weird old pulp fiction novel called Cheap Day Return about some guy who has an affair with the doctor's wife.Watching: American Idol which sucked last night. I liked Justin's performance best, but they were all pretty lame. I feel sorry for Nikki -- all she's going to hear until she's voted off is "Yup, you still suck." Pity they can't give her some constuctive criticism, so maybe she could become a better wedding singer.
Wearing: the usual software-industry-casual crap. Lots of makeup on my chin to cover a big red zit (or draw attention to it, I haven't decided which yet). And a cool twisted-metal-rope bangle my dad gave me for my birthday.
Eating: crappy office coffee, but we're going out for lunch. Probably Chinese.
Sleeping with: my husband, a lot, but still no baby, drat the luck.
(I'm not sure if I'm replying to this correctly. It's asking me to type in a subject line. I hope it works.)
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Squeaky, I was disappointed in the performances last night. I think Bacharach was simply too difficult melodically and phrasing-wise for all of the contestants. None of them could really handle the melody lines without doing the trilly embellishment thing. And Bacharach melodies are lovely and complex and aren't (in my opinion) suited to that. I was even disappointed in Kelly. And I did not think that Tamyra was all that last night, either. She just seemed to have no sense of how to phrase her song. And Justin was taking breaths in strange places. I can't even bear to think about Nikki and RJ.Reading: I'm trying to complete my annual Jane Austen rereading festival. I'm too tired to focus much, though. Which is sad, considering that I reread Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility, and Emma almost every year.
Watching: Right now, Sesame Street. In general, too much TV. How can TiVo have loads of stuff for me to watch in the summer?
Wearing: Shorts and a t-shirt stained with baby Tylenol on the sleeve. ChaCha is teeting (and she already has one tiny bottom tooth!).
Eating: Nothing yet today. I'll probably have some cereal when I feed the twins.
Sleeping with: 3 girls. Calm down, rudeboy. Charlotte sleeps in my arms after her last feed around 5am or so. The girls have been waking up at all kinds of weird times and want to sleep in the family room. It is mighty uncomfortable to hold a 5 month old, sleep sitting up, and be draped in two very active sleeping 3 year olds. I dream about sleeping in my bed again.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Hey gang, i'm so glad the greenspun boards are open! Yesterday was boring as all hell. At least the work part-- it was my birthday, so pre- and post- work times were good.I am reading Madame Bovary, but really am not feeling into it. Especially since I picked up a book of Pat Califia essays last night that looks MUCH more interesting.
I'm not watching much of anything on tv these days but Big Brother 3. Shameful, I know.
Today I'm wearing brown pants and a black v-neck sleeveless top. Not exciting, but easy to grab and put on since I was running late this morning.
Yesterday was a major food-fest culminating in a thai curry feast, so I will be eating light today to make up for it.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Wow, this stinks. Thanks for dealing with all this crap, Beth. I guess yesterday was a good day to be stuck on jury duty, though.I'm reading: The True History of the Kelley Gang. I was about half way through a few months ago and put it down. I finally picked it back up (because I've packed all my other books) and I getting into it again.
I'm watching: NOT American Idol (you freaks--it's crap, run away, run away now! Heh--disclaimer, I've never actually watched it). I haven't seen a movie in months, but I do manage to catch about 12 Law & Order re-runs a day. Love, love, love Law & Order. A funny-the women cop on one of the Law & Order spin-offs (Criminal Intent) was on jury duty with me!
I'm wearing: Blue and purple flowered linen blouse with short, puffy sleeves and tan cropped pants, with black reef flip flops. It's freaking HOT. Today is the 25th day over 90 in New York this summer.
I'm sleeping with: no comment. I seem to have worked thing out with my "friend" who I was having some problems with earlier. We are going to be actual friend for now, instead of "friends". So that's good. He keeps sending me odd emails, and I don't know what to make of them, so I'm just ingnoring them for now.
Wow, I have a lot to say today. I miss you guys!
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Joining in with the Official Crabby Woman Report:reading: The postscript portion of my Signet copy of Madame Bovary explaining the trial that followed publication of the novel. And being very very sad because I read all this and our discussion went kaphlooey!
watching: my weight. Oh I'm sorry, you mean TV and movies and other things that require sitting and paying attention, don't you?
wearing: all black. Black slacks, black t-shirt, black trouser socks and black shoes. Nothing at all fashionable about it - it was selected for comfort and the fact that I wouldn't have to iron it. The weather alert said to wear light colored clothes because of the freaking 105F heat index. I realized I don't really own anything light colored. Someone please make summer go away now.
eating: I had a big greasy egg and hashbrown and breakfast meat and swiss pancake breakfast. Damn IHOP. Damn that it's likely to be the high point of my day. (Yes, and damn me for lying about that weight watching thing too)
sleeping with - sleep? I remember sleep. vaguely.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Watching: American Idol sucked last night. Perhaps because those songs sucked. I actually like the one Nikki picked, but she was just terrible. She looked cute, but I was cringing for her, she was so off key. Kelly wasn't even very good last night. Justin continues to creep me out, but his performance was one of the better ones this week. Just terrible.More watching: Monster's Ball, very depressing. Amelie, very cute.
Reading: I finished the Lemony Snicket series (so far) and am now reading the Unauthorized Biography. Much fun. I also started From Hell, but I didn't get too far yet as I have been firmly in the Baudelaire world.
Wearing: As little as possible, because it is unbearably hot and humid.
Very glad to see so many people made it over here and are posting updates.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Dammit, I can't even spell my own user name without help. I make too many mistakes to not be able to edit posts.Stacey, I had to go through the Buffy spoiler sites myself yesterday and I will never take you for granted again. The crap you wade through for us! I had forgotten.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Reading: Nothing yet, but need to go to the bookstore to pick up something that a friend reccommended.Watching: The time slowly tick by....its dead here today. MOvies? Kate and Leopold. Soooo cute!!!! I love Hugh Jackman.
Wearing: Bright blue scoop neck top, black "Annie pants" - black stretchyish sorta shiny fabric-type dress pants with friggin huge flares, and a gold link belt woven through the waistline. Glasses, n contacts, and makeup.
I'm not eating anything because I literally have no money. I think I have maybe 37 cents to my name, and my boss insists on giving me money for transportation *after* I've laid out the money. Which I guess I could understand because if I miss a day and they reimburse me for that ahead of time they're just losing money, but my other job really doesn't pay me well and its a pain in the ass to get checks, so I'm screwed. I have no money, I have no food, I've been here since ten and I won't be home until 9:30, and I'm apparently not eating until then. This sucks.
Sleeping with my Times Square Toys R Us bear which I bought in December.
And I'm adding the listening to option. Im listening to Ruthie Henshall's solo cd, Pilgrim, which is amazing.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
reading: endless lists of board directors for work, plus the Suspects here as a break from said work.watching: we saw Harvesters the other night, courtesy of NetFlix. It's an indie slasher flick, and I don't recommend it unless you are slightly deranged (like us) and think indie slasher flicks are hilarious.
wearing: grey and black. Long-sleeved black shirt, long grey pencil skirt, grey sleveless duster thingy. It matches the grey haze outside.
eating: an apple. Nothing sounds good these days. I blame the server crash. And the heat.
sleeping with: the air conditioning on full blast, and the boy, of course.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Reading: nothing at the moment; just finished one of Andrew Greeley's Father Blackie mysteries. Watching: reruns. Eating: I'll decide that in a few minutes. Sleeping with: no one, dammit.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
The Hungarians called. I'm going to Tallinn with them to sleep in a youth hostel in a dodgy neighborhood! Whee! Where's Aet's profile when I need it? Journalcon in Tallinn!
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Okay, so now I'm cranky. I have addenda:Wearing - stone (whatever that means) colored pants, light blue raw silk shirt, and two drops of beet juice, goddamn it.
Listening - well, it was The Brian Setzer Orchestra in my brain, but now the fucking SINGING of the woman in the next cubicle has invaded my space. Like her music isn't bad enough. GAHHHH!
Reading - well . . . NOT any little red numbers to tell me when there are new posts on hear. I've been spoiled.
Eating - beets, of course, but they're just a snack. Another pork tenderloin sammich in a little while.
I'm going to kill the singing girl. Please let her not know the next song . . .
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Reading: "GURPS Y2K" a role-playing supplement about the end of the world. It came out in 1999. Watching: Lots of stuff over my long weekend, but last night it was the Adult Swim shows I taped Sunday since I can't stay up that late. Eating: Onion bagel for breakfast. Listening: David Bowie, "Heathen." Wearing: Hawaiian shirt & shorts. It's hot here. Sleeping with: The fan on. It's hot here.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Oh, well then.. if you're adding Listening to this list:Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits.
No, not your standard office-fare, but I have found myself in a sound war with someone in a nearby cube. It's been Mariah Carey all week long, so desperate measures were needed.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
My productivity at the office is back to its former low since all I want to do is read this forum. It's nice to know that some things don't change.Wearing: black linen ankle length J. Crew spaghetti strap dress (which I worship because it's a size 8 and I'm a little bit over that in the majority of my other clothes), a white cotton Indian gauze top with embroidery on the neckline and sleeves. Keeping cool in anticipation of the 96° weather we're going to have today.
Eating: I'm debating my lunch choices. I'm craving Chinese, but the good restaurant is just too far away to consider walking there. I'll probably end up having a sammich from across the street. Pastrami on rye, methinks.
Watching: tonight, Big Brother at 9:00 and then some long awaited epiosdes of EastEnders that are finally airing here (Tiffany leaving Walford, three years after it originally aired in Great Britain).
Listening to: the radio. I'm going to switch to Internet radio after I get my lunch since there's only so many times you can hear Linkin Park, Papa Roach and Incubus in one day. Right now the Ramones are on - "I Want to Be Sedated." Sounds like a good idea to me!
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Of course I'm adding listening to the list. I figure something like half my posts were in the listening threads. (That's not based on anything other than how it seemed to me, buy the way.)
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
shawn, i have a similarly worshipped j. crew dress that I bought this weekend-- it's a size 12, which is the smallest size I've worn in J. Crew pretty much EVER. I love it ever so.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
reading: Nothing but this forum right now.Watching: Big Brother tonight. Not sure what else. I think my next Netflix DVD should arrive today, so I might watch that. But I can't remember which one was next on my list, so we'll have to see.
Wearing: Denim shorts. Black t-shirt. Birkenstocks. Y'all know the drill.
Eating: Just finished a tuna salad sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes. Pretty good, but a little overboard on the mayo. Also a bottle of water and a box of Nerds.
Sleeping with: The usual boy and three cats.
Listening to: The blessed sound of an office not filled with Loony Ex-Officemate's music. I might put on some MP3s soon, since I'm fancying a bit of Leonard Cohen, but I might just want to enjoy the quiet.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Reading: Just finished a Jane Smiley (At Paradise Gate), am almost done with a book on the origins of the compass, and will start on Antarctica next, only I can't remember the author.Watching: American Idol, and this weekend I watched the entire second season of Sex and the City on my laptop, some of it while on the ferry between Orient Point and New London (trying to hide the screen when small children were around). Also will be going to see XXX because I am shamefully
Lusting after: Vin Diesel.
Wearing: Knee length boys jean carpenter shorts, tight brown tee, chunky brown slides.
Eating: Venti iced coffee.
Sleeping with: Nothing on. Not that anyone is there to notice.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Reading: about 100 pages into White Teeth. My third try. First time, I didn't have time to read it and it kept going to the bottom of the pile. Second time, I tried to listen to it on tape and I really loved it, but at some point I realized I'd been listening to it for a month and was only on page 30. Books on tape go really slowly when you don't commute.Watching: nothing. Saw part of the Buffy rerun last night. Wearing a red, black, and gray Ann Taylor dress. Very cute but I think it makes me look a blimp. Eating: my third cup of coffee. Sleeping with: there was no sleep here last night because I have a terrible backache. I tossed and turned with Rudy and Mochi, as usual.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
I'm reading: Well, I threw the Catherine M. book into the scrap heap, and I'm babying my poor, taxed brain with Miss Pymm Disposes, by Josephine Tey. I have a pile of books on the table waiting for me - next up is probably Fromkin's A Peace to End All Peace.I'm watching: I channel surf mechanically. I am insane, yes. Last night, I saw bits of Charmed (*gag*) and bits of Law and Order reruns, with a Buffy interlude.
I'm wearing: black pants, white tee, and flame-red blazer; black flats, good hair (thank you, Multiverse) and very cross expression due to TUS withdrawal.
I'm sleeping with: my sick puppy, who has been sent home from the vets with what I think is heroin - some serious narcotics, anyway. Doesn't look good, actually.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Reading: about what all of you are reading, watching, listening to, eating, and wearing. Did I miss one? Oh yeah. Sleeping with. And nothing else. I finished Harry Potter #4 days ago, and left the big honkin' wedding guide at home today because it is a) heavy and b) stupid. I hate bridal reference materials with a vehemence and a passion.Watching: people at work run around crazily, preparing this afternoon's Grand Shindig. At which my only responsibility is to sample horses divorces. Hee.
Listening to: the ventilation sytsem.
Eating: nothing. I have a less extreme version of Beth's throat problem, and breakfast didn't sit well.
Wearing: a beautiful black-and-ecru floral print dress, appropriate for outdoor work shindigs in 100+ degree humid weather. Which will have to go to the drycleaner's after 1 wearing because I know I will sweat like a pig this afternoon. Fucking summer.
Sleeping with: the Slapmister. Not at the moment, natch. But I wish I were.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Hey, how did miss earlier that it's velata's birthday. Happy Birthday, you!
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Well.Reading: still Tibor Fischer's Under the Frog. I love his writing style, but it can be slow going, especially when you are tired and fall asleep after five pages.
Watching: we watched Showtime last night which was kind of eh. Predictably Hollywood, vaguely amusing in places, but nothing great. Not that I expected it to be anything special.
Wearing: my rattiest pair of jeans, the ones that make people run up to me and say "you've lost weight!" which, although true, is kind of weird since I weigh exactly what I did yesterday. It's the baggy thing, I think. Maybe I will go back to wearing baggy clothes all the time just to feign weight loss. Anyway, those and also my "Do not cry out or hit the alarm" Radiohead shirt and my goofy Vans. I didn't wash my hair this morning and have it pulled back so I don't really care what I look like (actually, I normally don't).
Sleeping: with Matt and sometimes Seymour when he graces us with his presence. Not well, I keep having stress dreams about moving issues still. And my back hurts this morning because I slept in some bad way.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
I missed it too - Happy Birthday, Velata!
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Reading: Big Stone Gap - about 75 pages in and I love it.Wearing: Lime colored polo shirt, jean capris, black slides, hair in a ponytail.
Watching: Lots of SoapNet...I can't help it. I've become addicted again to all the ABC soaps now that I can watch them at night. Especially Port Charles, the crappiest of the crap...speaking of crap, tonight I too will be watching Big Brother.
Listening: At the moment, nothing...my boss's daughter is working here today and gets "distracted" if I listen to music...grrrrr....
Sleeping with: a heating pad on my shoulder....large amounts of pain, small amounts of sleep.
Eating: That's a good question...what should I have for lunch?
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Reading: the same press release, over and over and over again. Watching: still nothing. The TV's barely been on for the last few weeks, and I kind of like it. Wearing: my pretty denim summer dress with a white ribbed shirt underneath it (and a button missing over the ass -- shhh), black sandals. Eating: the remainders of last night's grilled salmon and rice pilaf. Sleeping with: heat-induced nightmares about purple, foamy aliens who try to kill me by sticking their tentacles into my ears.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
I finished reading House of Leaves last night, finally. (I think I should be catching up with y'all on Madame Bovary sometime in 2003). This weekend I watched Memento, O, 5 or 6 episodes of Buffy, Benny and Joon, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and Fellowship of the Ring. Nothing since, though Oliver! is waiting, and Fantasia 2000 and the Virgin Suicides should be here today. Pancakes and an egg for dinner last night, baggie of special K so far today. Didn't even sleep with the fan on.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Reading: The webpage for one of my summer courses, which seems to be saying I have a B even though my math shows that my scores add up to an A. I'm trying to just let it go already, but it's making me feel crabby. Stupid summer class. Less immediately, I'm reading a text book on American Government and trying to get a distance course partially out of the way before my fall classes start. It's actually a really good text book and I'm enjoying it a lot. Watching: I tried watching American Idol too but some of those people are really bad. I want to like the Pink Haired Girl, but she was atrocious last night. And those two host guys are a couple of morons. Wearing: Long sleeveless black dress with blue and white floral accents and a velvety black button down shirt over it. And one of the new bras that gives much more support than my old ones, but digs into my shoulders because of all the weight. Anyone know any methods to make this not hurt so much? Eating: Some pretzel sticks and a couple starbursts. That "mystery" flavor sucks ass, plus it sends the color scheme all out of whack because it's all valentiny with some orange added in. It was more visually appealing with the yellows, even though I didn't like them. Sleeping with: Mr. Aristoph, of course. Just sleeping though. Too tired right now, but trying to get the energy back up after that month of stuff being due constantly. Oh, that and the three cats who all piled within a few inches of me last night when I went to bed.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
I'm just about to start reading Margaret Atwood's _Alias Grace_. I have to finish reading some stories for class first -- also need to critique those. I'm eating homemade split pea soup and cucumber salad. I'm wearing a decidedly unflattering outfit, but my silver toenails look cute. After I post this, I'll be listening to Alison Krauss. I can't even think about the sleeping with yet.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
I just finished watching Shoes of the Fisherman. Man, I heart Anthony Quinn's voice. I have a thing about voices. I'm also cursing chance because genetically, I could have had his eyes. My brother has those eyes. I want them. I don't think Nicke is using them to their full potential.Wearing: same as before, although now quite sweaty (ew.)
I had tortillas with sprouts (among other things) for dinner, and now I'm going to sleep with my cat, although why I even let him into the bedroom after he used my arm as a trampoline last night is beyond me.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Reading: Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. I had low expectations of this book, but it is making me laugh out loud, in inopportune places (example: on a bus full of grouchy Seattle commuters).Watching: Found 12 Angry Men and an Elizabeth Taylor movie at the library last night. That should have me covered until the spouse finishes with our current Netflix rentals (which I have no interest in, sadly).
Wearing: Red sweater, black pants, Nine West loafers I got at Goodwill for 2 bucks.
Eating: Nothing, dammit. Forgot food on counter this morning...
Sleeping with: An angelic, overweight chihuahua that answers to Mimi. She's like a live teddy bear.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Reading: _Disciplining Reproduction_ by Adele Clarke. There's this cluster of science studies people, historians and sociologists and whatnot, who are doing brilliant things with theory stuff. Adele Clarke is one of them, and I was stunned to see in the preface that she was in a dissertation group with a couple of the others. (Joan Fujimura and Leigh Star, in case that means anything to anyone here, which of course it doesn't because I live in a teeny tiny world.)Reading for fun: I finished _The Scar_ on the plane. Also sometime in the last few days I read _The Lions of Al-Rassan_, which has entirely changed my opinion of Guy Gavriel Kay. I used to think he was another generic epic-fantasy wanker, but you know, this was a really good book.
Wearing: black slacks and a bright-red v-neck long-sleeve t-shirt. How's that for hyphens?
Listening to: not a goddamn thing because it's so quiet in here. I may need to smuggle in a small radio or something, I'm starting to have trouble working in the complete fucking silence. Sorry. Irritable.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Second try, my first message got an error. YayWearing - jeans and a white Korn t-shirt Eating - nothing, but I should be, since I'm starving Listening to - my MP3 player and the train backing up outside Watching - I justed watched "Say it Isn't So" and "Killer Klowns from Outerspace" and today I'll watch "Snow Dogs" because I'm silly like that Reading - I have 10 pages left of "The Color Purple" left, except I left it at work on Sunday. Which sucks, because that means its so overdue that I could have purchased it on half.com for less than this library fine will be!
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Reading: Catholicism, A Portrait of the Catholic Church in the United States. Bo-ring. Yawn.Watching: The clock. It is only 12:45 but I want to go home. NOW.
Wearing: Black crochet top, nutmeg linen pants, nutmeg stretch sandals and a big black cardigan because it is zero degrees in this office.
Eating: Back on the diet after a delicious five days of overeating. Anna and family have left, so I'm off shrimp gnocci for lunch and back to 2 ozs of tuna on plain wheat bread. Still managed to lose 2 lbs while they were here, though. Go me.
sleeping with: seemingly nothing but acres of bed linen. King beds are too big!
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
Reading: Middlemarch, still.Wearing: long linen skirt, sleeveless cotton shirt, hair in a French twist because the stars aligned in some way they haven't in a long time.
Listening: How Green Was My Valley
Discovering: There is a sequel, Green Green My Valley Now, in which Llewellyn explores his tender e.e. cummings side
Sleeping with: no one, since Belinda is camping and fishing with the other Go-Gos this weekend. Probably my elephant though.
Eating: too much. I've got to stop having guacamole on my burritos.
-- Anonymous, August 16, 2002