To all beloved vcds/dvds mfg/wsalers/ : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Dear friends,I am a vcds/dvds distributor myself and hoping to maximise my supply chain potentials through interested vcds/dvds suppliers.
If you are a legitimate supplier, please email me with a list and prices of your vcds/dvds immediately.
Basic requirement: - English subtitle is a must!!! - Preference on European & Indian movies/HongKong & Taiwan series and Japanese Anime
**Anyone who is interested in attractive rates in Logistic arrangement, can look for me as well. Although preference will be for volume delivery ONLY!!
-- PH (, August 13, 2002
hi i was wondering do u sellanimes to individual in bulks? if u do cld u send me a list wif price?
-- medusa (, October 20, 2002.