FM H15-44"s : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Several questions about the CofG's FM H15-44's. First, could the CofG have ordered them where they would've m.u.'ed with their other units (RS and GP's)? Allen's article states that the Southern had several FM's that were operated on branchline passenger trains. I've seen photos of the Southern's FM's m.u.'ed with other manufacturer's units. (I learned from a local Southern modeler that their's had the walkways lowered to match their other units!) Just curious as why the Central didn't do this. Second, what made a pneumatic-straight pull throttle different from Alco and EMD's? (I've never run a desiel locomotive, just Microsoft's Train Simulator!) Thirdly, when did the Central add the additional handrails? (Allen excellent article had photo's that narrow it down to somewhere between 1953 and 1955, but I would like to know.) Fourthly, could any of these units have seen duty on the "Roanoke Rocket"? Thanks in advance for any response.

-- Richard Cole Jr. (, August 11, 2002

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