Response to Brother is about to marry his abuser...Help! : LUSENET : domestic violence : One Thread


One of the best things you can do for your brother is begin to build his self esteem. There is a book called "How to build your Mate's Self Esteem" which should help you to do that effectively. Making your brother feel better about himself will help him realize that he doesn't have to put up with abuse. Any time you have a genuine compliment to give, say it. That is the first step. He may feel "trapped" in this relationship.....he might not want to DEAL with what she will do if he breaks it off for good. Try your best not to say anything derogatory about this girl as it will only make him defend her. Speak about what she does (i.e. her actions) not what you think about her. Ask your brother how HE feels when the girlfriend does things that you feel are abusive.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2002

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