I need CD-R & CD-RW(Bulk) for good price

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi..I'm from sri lanka.I need to buy blank CD-R & CD-RW(Branded and nonbranded)in bulk quantity.Pls contact me soon...

-- Geshan Weerasinghe (geshan@sabretch.com), August 05, 2002


i sell a blank cd-r for $0,4 each ( branded ) 40X if u want to order contact me soon

-- Casper (bhuseph_05@mailcity.com), August 15, 2002.

I can supply non-branded CD-R for $0.25 each. But the price would depend on the quantity also.

-- DVD Land (dvd_land@hotmail.com), August 16, 2002.

Try www.shop4tech.com. 100 CD-R's for $19.99. 500 for $92.50. Or 2000 for $349.00.

-- Sean (smonahan@edinboro.edu), March 17, 2003.

try http://www.buypussy.com/, they sell everything from illegal CDR's to pussy.

-- Osama Bin Laden (osamayama@warisgood.id), June 02, 2003.

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