Hey You Shouldn't Buy VCDS They Are Free unless you are stupid!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

use a filesharing program like direct connect www.neo-modus.com to d/l movies until you learn where the real honey pots are!

-- Not A. Dumbo (Notadummy@mentalgiant.net), August 02, 2002


All I can say is you get what you pay for. If you download "free" VCDs, don't be surprised if some of them simply don't work at all, weren't made properly, or have various problems.

-- root (root@yahoo.com), August 02, 2002.

How much are you really paying for that *free* VCD?

Time value of money. How long is it taking you to d/l movies? How much are you worth per hour? Now, how much is a commercial VCD or DVD?

Do you like quality? Do you like 5.1 soundtracks?

Personally, I'll only buy VCD if the product isn't available on DVD. I burn VCDs for dailies or test edits.

Crap quality prirated garbage is for philistines like Not A. Dumbo.

-- No One (no@one.com), August 02, 2002.

Hey, some of us so called "stupid people" dont have the speed to download movies. I only have a 56K connection, and it takes about 6-10 days for me to download a movie, so I have to buy them, that doesent make me stupid.

-- "Stupid Person" (simpsons2004@hotmail.com), August 02, 2002.

I would have to say you are a dummy if you are constantly buying vcds. Hey that could pay for a broadband connection. What you can't get that where you live. Guess you could always go with a satellite connection then huh? or did it ever cross your mind.

-- nota (notadummy@mentalgiant.net), August 03, 2002.

Well No One, First off i pay nothing for my cable connection. I doubt you get your internet service for free. Second it takes me no longer than 2 hours to get the releases usually between 300K/bs-400K/bs and usually within the first 2 hours of its release onto the net. Cds are .33 cent when you get 100 for $33. Its called distro maybe you can get there in a few years. You never will by the looks of it. Stop trying to sell vcds prick, cause thats the only reason i can see for you to defend the sales of them.

-- notty (notadumbo@sukit.net), August 03, 2002.

Obviously You don't know shit if you think that all the warez out there is low quality. Also don't try using big words cause it looks like you only trip over them. HaHa Also I am worth plenty per hour being that I have a bachelor's degree in programming and another in networking to go along with the following certifications MCSE,A+, Network+,CISCO Networking Associate, CNA, and that's just for starters. I just guess i have no need to profit from vcd,svcd,dvdrips,warez or any other bootlegged material. Eat a dick you lowlife trying to turn a profit on someone else's work or your crappy dvd rips. Get a job,go to college. Do something besides peddle warez.

-- notty (notadumbo@sukit.net), August 03, 2002.

I'd have to agree with notadumbo. It does sound like that one guy is trying to make a living selling vcd's. It isn't that hard to d/l a mpg or bin and cue and burn it with nero. I very rarely get a screwed up vcd. If you find a good place to d/l you should be straight. Stupid Person you could get broadband of some type or find someone who will hook you up. I'd do it if you e-mailed me.

-- shane0 (shane0613@yahoo.com), August 03, 2002.

Hey e-mail me and we can trade or figure out a deal.

-- Mark (vcds_4less@hotmail.com), August 03, 2002.

vcds_4less@hotmail.com the underline blocked the underscore! ;]

-- mark (vcds_4less@hotmail.com), August 03, 2002.

First, I don't sell VCDs or warez. I use this board to help find and prosecute pirates.

I've only purchased two VCDs ever, and then they are true commercial releases not available on DVD, not pirated crap.

Now, let's do some math-- assume that a commercial DVD is $15 US. Assume that it takes 2 hours to download a movie. If you make less than $7.50 an hour (which you probably do, retard McFloor sweeping mofo) it might be in your financial interest to leech off your parents' cable connection to download a movie. Hmm, sounds like you're really A. Dumbo.

If you have to drum out your resume, chances are you're faking it (just like your mama when you're on top of her, cornbread).

-- No One (No@one.com), August 05, 2002.

Oh, I almost forgot-- I apologize for not replying to your tirade over the weekend, but my wife and I were at our weekend house-- it's one of the benefits of having a *real* job. LMFAO

BTW, I won't be able to answer you for a couple of days, as I'll be in NYC doing some location scouting. I'll be back on Thursday.

As for my *big* words-- one thing that I was taught in university-- always carry a dictionary and if you don't know what a word is, look it up. If you haven't noticed, dictionaries are a lot smaller now.

-- No One (no@one.com), August 05, 2002.

There was a pirate site that was talked about on this board a couple of months ago. Even though the web site was based in Pakistan, the owners were traced to Chicago where they were arrested and are being held without bond.

You can thank me for that. LMFAO

-- No One (no@one.com), August 05, 2002.

BTW, if any of you pirate bozos want to go straight (deliberate choice of words as I think Not A. Dumbo fancies my arse) and use your digital cameras and warez version of Premiere for something good, here's an email I received Friday after I left the office This is real and not a joke-- let's see if any of you have any real talent:

Scope: The Independent Television Service's (ITVS) Open Call 2002 awards funding to single public television programs that will bring new audiences to public television and programs that expand civic participation by bringing new voices into public discourse.

Internet: www.itvs.org/producers/funding.html

LOCAL INDEPENDENTS COLLABORATING WITH STATIONS (LInCS) FUND provides incentive or matching moneys ($10,000-$75,000) to partnerships between public television stations and independent producers. Single shows and interstitial packages will be considered, as will projects in any genre or stage of development.

Deadline: August 15 for round two of Open Call 2002

Funds: ITVS production license fees generally range from $40,000 to $350,000. There is no minimum or maximum amount. ITVS will provide full funding or completion funds only.

Eligibility: Independent producers or independent entities producing television, film or video programs are eligible to apply.

Areas: Television programs in any genre, including drama, documentary, docudrama, animation, experimental works or innovative combinations; single programs of standard broadcast length (56:40 or 26:40); new productions or works in progress; and programs that can be completed within one year of contract.

CONTACT: Independent Television Service, Open Call 2002 Fall Review 501 York Street San Francisco, CA 94110 phone: 415-356-8383 Ext: 232 Internet: www.itvs.org/producers/funding.html

-- No One (no@one.com), August 05, 2002.

Ok, I dont have money to get a high speed connection. I've only spent $30 buying movies in my whole life, from there i trade with people. I live way out in the woods, and dont have access to high speed internet, and to get sattelite net, it costs over $500 to buy all the shit for it, and I dont have money to do that.

-- "stupid person" (simpsons2004@hotmail.com), August 14, 2002.

First, I don't sell VCDs or warez. I use this board to help find and prosecute pirates. OMG That is the corniest shit i have ever heard. You are obviously the biggest dumbass on the planet. I can transfer 1 gig in approximatley 2 minutes @ 7500K. It takes a true dildo to sit down and try to figure out *the time and effort* it takes transfer, burn, and create a vcd. You are definitely the biggest joke on the planet. Eat a dick you moron!!

-- sa (sa@sa.net), September 03, 2002.

Well I haven't been to this forum in awhile, but it is still interesting. Sorry to hear your situation *stupid* When i checked out satellite before cable was available here it was nowhere close to being $500. More like 200 and 50 bucks a month, but it may be different where you live. Noone@nowhere (or whatever) you have to be the biggest shithead to ever walk the planet. You obviously don't know shit about anything that deals with warez. You claim pirated warez is shitty, that just goes to show you know nothing. Why has M$ released sp1 for XP in hopes of catching some of the hundreds of thousands of XP corp users if it doesn't work well? Why is the movie industry trying so hard to bust pirates if they think the quality is bad. You obviously have never ripped a dvd before if you think pirate copies are crap. Anyways enough with you and your know nothing personality. Maybe you guys could find out more information about the subject before you make yourself look like total n00bs. Do some reading here asshole.--> http://dms100.org/worksucks/

-- not (notty@notty.net), September 03, 2002.

Where did I ever claim that warez is low quality? All I said is that it's illegal. Maybe if you took your head out of the McNugget frier long enough to learn to read, you'd have figured that out. Or I guess you're spending too much time in alt.wank.myself.with.tweezers.

And possibly if any of you 14yo virgins could afford real theatre equipment, maybe you'd care about 5.1 soundtracks and quality visuals.

BTW, time value of money is a pretty basic concept taught in any first year business university course.

-- No One (no@one.com), September 03, 2002.

While I concede that visual quality of DVD rips can be OK, you still lose AC3. In my book that makes them crappy. And I don't need to comment on VCDs from cameras in theatres, which you retards still trade and cherish.

“Why is the movie industry trying so hard to bust pirates if they think the quality is bad.” (sic)

The MPAA prosecutes the camera guys just as hard as the guys with factories pressing pro-looking stuff.

Some history--

Back in the mid 80s (you know, before you were whelped) the recording industry lobbied the American Congress hard trying to have blank cassettes taxed heavily to compensate for ‘lost revenue’ due to people copying albums (those big round black things that still sound better than CDs) onto cassettes and trading them. Cassette quality has always been crappy.

In the early 80s there was a split Supreme Court decision that decided a lawsuit between the MPAA and Sony (or it may have been JVC-- I'd do a Lexis/Nexis to be certain, but you're not worth the effort) that is what keeps VCRs legal in the US. Had the decision gone the other way, the US would only have VCPs. And what's the quality of a VHS dub?

The MPAA currently has a suit working its way through the courts with respect to DVD technology and how it relates to the Telecommunications Act of 1997. The MPAA hopes to use the new technology and the new law to overturn the previous Court decision.

So what does this mean to the average (oh so average) pimply-faced movie pirate?

Get ready for active hacking from the MPAA. I'm not talking about what you burger-flippers consider hacking (DoS is so paseé). I'm talking about following you in IRC or any file-swapping p2p network and fry your hard disk sans warning. The MPAA has already received a legal opinion that this strategy is legal and has provided a brief to the US Justice Department asking for permission to proceed. This action will not be limited to the US, but will be world-wide.


-- No One (no@one.com), September 03, 2002.

And could you at least learn how to flame before pouring petrol? You're not even rating a match right now.

-- No One (no@one.com), September 03, 2002.

Sorry about not posting lately been settling into school. Here is what you said "Where did I ever claim that warez is low quality?"-- No One.. You posted previously "Crap quality prirated garbage is for philistines like Not A. Dumbo"-- No One.. is where u said pirated warez is low quality. For your info i was not whelped in the mid 80's try mid 70's. What is this whole spill about the mpaa and riaa wanting to hack pirates. Sorry to burst your bubble but I have already read up on the subject, and I honestly don't think our gov't will allow that amendment to be added to the anti-terrorist act which like you I do find interesting that they would attempt to try and slide that little clause in. (http://www.wired.com/news/conflict/0,2100,47552,00.html). Secondly I know how to secure my own pc. Finally If I get the inclination to serv up some warez (as I do for a few groups occasionally) I merely hack .edu's,opti's, or anything that pings low enough by gaining admin axx, then setting up my server, run the appropriate commands, and thwack time for the curry to cruise on by unless I feel the need to fxp myself. but you already knew that right? *laughs* So once again, Sorry to break your heart but I serve nothing from my own connection and I guess that makes me what? Safe at home plate you fucking schuck. Sounds like all you know how to do is talk stupid ass babbage, but I do find it flattering that you find me to be so interesting that you try in vain to belittle me. Keep trying. *Hint Find some better insults b/c the ones you seem to have imprinted on your noggin are weak. Well too bad but I must go to sleep, oh yeah by the way here is an ftp i set up for you Check it out You'd Think certain huge corporations would be more secure than to let lil' ol me take over right? ftp: port:8000 l/p noone/noone Too bad I left it empty for you, but my point is still proven and no Don't ask me to teach you anything. Later all talk no action cocksmoker. Learn How to use that pc you have bozo then we can talk. haha. Maybe I'll put some files on that ftp for everyone else who may read this posting ;)

-- Notty (NotasStupidasNoone@noone.cocksmoker), September 12, 2002.

Uh, sorry to keep you on track, but this is a VCD forum, not warez, putz. So, in reference to crap-quality pirated garbage, the reference is VCD, shit-for-brains.

So, you're settling into school, eh? I thought you already had a bachelor's in programming and another one in networking? From what school did you get those? Is that what it says on your 'skin? You are such a lying sack of crap that it makes me laugh.

Here's your vocabulary lesson of the day-- Whelp-- to give birth to a litter of puppies. I called your mom a bitch and you a puppy with one word. But she likes it when I call her that while I'm riding her.

-- No One (no@one.com), September 14, 2002.

Oh, and what's the point you've proven? That you're a virgin? That you don't have a job?

And you have yet to refute any *repeat any* of my arguments. All you've done is call me a cocksmoker, etc., and serve up some basic (oh so basic) hacking verbage that any 14yo with 2 months of PC exp could regurgitate.

If you want to continue to come to this thread and keep getting bitch- slapped, I don't mind giving you a backhand. But please, put up at least a little bit of a fight.

-- No One (no@one.com), September 14, 2002.

(in keeping with three quick posts and out...)

notagenius@mentalmidget.ass spewed forth> "For your info i was not whelped in the mid 80's try mid 70's." (multiple sic)

Actually, blondie, you were born in June of '86 at the earliest. I actually peg you at June of '87 or '88, because you don't even have the brains of a 16yo (pimples and virginity, maybe). As high school in the US has started, but not US Universities, you give yourself away (but this isn't the only way I know).

Go rent Trekkies to get a glimpse of your future; it's more worthwhile than pirating crap like "A Walk to Remember."

Finally, for proof of your idiocy-- bragging about (and providing definite proof of-- via giving a login and password) hacking into Korean Defense Companies has got to be one of (if not *the*) stupidest things I've ever seen done. Do you think that they have a sense of humor about things like that? Or do you think that as a juvenile that you're immune to prosecution? Do you think that the semi-anonymity of LUSENET protects you?

A couple of things, Shane, web servers log IP addresses, so your parents' IP is here on the logs at greenspun.com. That's supoenable, and more probably, available merely at request. But with your *brains* I suppose you already knew that.

I've already stated that ***I turn you people in.*** No fucking joke.

I hope you enjoy your trip through the US legal system.


-- No One (no@one.com), September 14, 2002.

Oops mea culpa, US universities started a month ago.

Nothing else changes.

-- No One (no@one.com), September 14, 2002.

Never mind saying that these VCD movies are free. Many of these file sharing programs are full of idiots and the like. Viruses and other infectants are rife on these programs, you just DO NOT know what you are getting a lot of the time. These "hackers" or "script kiddies" who infect people's computers need to be found and taught a lesson, they simply ENJOY disrupting people's machines. At the end of the day, ask yourself how many times you watch a new or recent movie, a lot of people watch a film once and then forget about them, so why bother hording a vast collection of compact discs that you will probably hardly watch? Why not RENT a particular movie and then RIP it with your own abilities? At least then, you know what you're getting and also the source.

-- Loner Jenkins (Anon@mous.net), September 18, 2003.

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