Anybody wanna trade DVD's,VCD's,SVCD's????? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, does anybody want to trade DVD's, VCD's, or SVCD's?? I have a big list, let me know if your interested. I ONLY TRADE TO THE U.S. THANKS.

-- Adam (, July 31, 2002


hey i would like to get some SVCD's or DVD's so can u send me your list and if u want ill buy some off u

-- Mathew williams (, August 29, 2002.

can u send mi ur big list.....does it include manga??

-- elmo (, October 19, 2002.

Elmo, before Sick of You redirects you ;), Th-A9 set up a forum for trading. It's at


-- No One (, October 19, 2002.

Ok Cause SICK OF YOU is harrasing peoples all the time about trading i set up a Trading forum just for this reason

-- Th-A9 (, October 19, 2002.

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