Extract audio from a VideoCD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I want to extract the audio from a VCD 2 but i donīt know how. What program can I use?

-- Ernesto Gancedo (ergancedo@yahoo.es), July 31, 2002


Try to get the .dat files from the VCD with VCDGear. Use the conversion dat->mpeg, or dat->dat and use another program (dat2mpg, dos utility) to convert to mpg. You can than use a program (TMPGEnc,....) to demux the mpg and end up with the audio in a .mp2 format (mpeg 1, layer 2).

Winamp,Nero, wmplayer etc understand .mp2 and can convert it to .wav, depends on what you want to do with the audio.

I hpoe you have a standard compliant vcd, VCDGear is not very tolerant in that respect. I cannot recover my .dat files from my (homemade) VCD's which are 250 Kb mpeg1 video with 224 Kb mp2 audio.

Try http://www.vcdhelp.com for the software and/or links to the software.

Good luck, Hans Bus

-- Hans Bus (ikkedacht@hotmail.com), August 01, 2002.

Try vcd cutter 4.03 from softpile.com or else TMPEGENCcoder is the best eventhough takes time.

-- supreet Hegde (sd_hegde@hotmail.com), April 20, 2003.

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