FRLian Lurker decloaks : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread

I recently recieved an e-mail and got permission to share parts of it with my fellow FRLians:

'It was my fortune earlier this morning to discover the treasure of the FRL friends site. (I happened onto it from a search for a song that -lucky for me- was mentioned in the FRL friends message board. After reading that post from ('99) which included some of your wonderful poems, I was "hooked" to "Fly with the Geese", and searched again to see if the board was still together... I bookmarked the URL and look forward to future visits, if that is acceptable. I am not a gifted person as I feel you and your FRL friends are, so will not post, but am grateful that the message board is "open to the public"; so many of the contributors are inspiring, uplifting! Just "What the world needs now"!'

If there are other FRLian lurkers who haven't "decloaked" yet, let me welcome you to the flock, anyway :-)

-- Tricia the Canuck (, July 29, 2002


Bump for those who only check recent answers.

-- Tricia the Canuck (jayles@telusplanet.ent), July 29, 2002.

Welcome Lurkers! Or as I like to call them SilentSouls! Some I know prefers to call them silent fingers-LOL! Jump right in-we're an amusing bunch, aren't we gang???

-- Aunt Bee (, July 30, 2002.

Hi, new friend! :-)

One certainly does NOT have to be "gifted" in order to post.

They allow me to hang around. Heck, they even let Robert Cook in here. [grin]

You're right, though. . .this is one of the most wonderful groups of folk I've ever had the good fortune to know.

Welcome to our Circus!

-- Brooke (, July 30, 2002.

Well, well, now. I guess it’s still my duty as ChiefTin to say a loud and hearty WELCOME to you, our shy, de-cloaked, FRLian Lurker. Hope you decide to post one of these days and say hello to us. We don’t bite (at least most of us don’t :-)

Thanks for letting us know about this too, Tricia.

Here is the url for the thread that ‘hooked’ our mysterious finally- de-cloaked FRLian:

Hmmm. Maybe I’ll take a look at this one myself---for ol’ times sake :-) --- --- --- --- --- Ok. I’m back. Here is what was written at the end of the post that started the thread.

“As FRLians, we stand Together. We stand Strong. We laugh. We sigh. We comfort each other. Long Live the FRL.”

Guess some things never change!

p.s. This thread also has a wonderful post by "MoVe immediate" and a birthday party for Tricia too (AND I’M NOT EVEN HALF WAY DONE YET!!!)

PoopieSheeshie ;-)

-- Rob Michaels (sonofdust@memory.lane), July 30, 2002.

Aw, come on now. Any new lurker has got to post at least once, so we will know who you are. How else are we gonna poke fun at ya?

-- Lon Frankenstien (evil@the.bayou), July 30, 2002.

Welcome new lurker! No need to be shy. We're a diversified group with the common love of stories, poetry, haiku, etc., but mostly humor! (Humour if you're north or across the pond.) :-) Jump in any time!

PoopieSheeshie? We're gonna have to wash Rob's mouth out with soap! ;-) (We do try to keep it clean around here.) It IS fun to look back at the old threads! Makes me miss S.O.B. and Donna- in-Sheets...

-- Gayla (, July 30, 2002.

A de-clocked newbie? She can't keep time? Can she keep time in a bottle? Ohhh, you said de-cloaked! Alright, all you male types avert your eyes!

Tricia: did you notice that she looked for us under "Google", so we must not be a flock. We're officially a Google!

Whew! I'm not sure how Sir Robert keeps up that patter; I'm worn out from just a paragraph!

Anyway, Newbie...welcome to the FRL, we're glad you already like us. Drop down from the rafters sometime and let us know a little about you. We'd love to meet you! Linda (formerly Newbiebutnodummy)

-- LindaMc (, July 31, 2002.

Hmmm, Linda. There must be some mistake. I'm sure there are gaggles of geese, not googles. Maybe it's googles of Fruitcakes ;-D

(Hubby says a google of geese would be a VERY BIG gaggle ;-)

-- Tricia the Canuck (, July 31, 2002.

Yeah, whatever did happen to Donna-in-Sheets? It's nice to see a few of us still check in here now and then. Still, it's not like the old glory days.

-- gene (, August 01, 2002.

-- sis (nobody@nowhere.non), September 26, 2002.

Hey sis! Nice to see ya! Just wanted you to know I still make some of your Indian recipes, and I never got to thank you. So THANK YOU!

-- Aunt-_Bee (, September 26, 2002.

SIS!!! :)

-- helen (still@milking.chickens), September 27, 2002.

Sis typed in a message, but it doesn't show because she used < and >. Here is what she said:

writing FRL Forever in the dust

-- Gayla (nice@to.see you Sis), September 27, 2002.

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