VCD Quality : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I recently bought a copy of star wars ep 2 on vcd. The quality was PRETTY good, but there are a couple of scenes where the picture is horribly dark. E.g Obi-Wan Kenobi in the cave, parts of the chase at the start. Throughtout the whole movie, the colours are always duller than in the real film, but this doesn't worry me TOO much. My question is: Since it is obviously taken off a cinema screen, is that as good as it's gonna come, or are there copies out there that have a good, fully colourful, visible picture throughout? Or if not, is is possible to edit the film to make it a better quality and if so, how?

-- Luke H (, July 29, 2002



-- Th-A9 (, July 29, 2002.


If I understand you correctly, you have a vcd that is from a cam that someone has taken and distributed over the net. Usually, these cam versions are not the best quality. As for making the film look better maybe try lowing the resolution in your display properties to 640 x 480. Also, you could try to re-encode the movie again and try to sharpen the image and do some color adjustments. For this you will need two free programs one is vcdgear and the other is TMPGEnc. Lastly, you could search Kazaa or winmx for another version of the movie that might be better. good luck

-- westmich 01 (, July 29, 2002.

I see. I actually bought the VCD of someone, and it came from Malaysia. Are all the things on and just from Malaysia as well? Anyhow, with this Tmpeng and VCDGear, I have them both and have no idea how to use them or what i can do with them. Is there anywhere on the net where I can get an absolute beginners guide? I tried the stuff on but even that was pretty complicated!


-- Luke H (, July 31, 2002.

At you can look at the jpeg's of the movies, it also has every version of the movie, so if your wondering if theres a better quality version out there, check it out. You cant buy them, or download them there, its just an info site. It has pictures, and people rate the quality to the picture, sound, and movie.

-- Adam (, July 31, 2002.

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