VCDs for sale: Australia : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
If anybody is interested in buying vcds in Australia (and only Australia), please drop me a line. I have a fairly large collection (100+ movies) and am looking to part with them all.For the record, these are not "handycam in the movie theatre" jobs, but good quality vcd movies with proper stereo sound.
- Peter
-- Peter Xennedes (, July 26, 2002
Why are these Aussies constantly advertising their bootlegs?
-- (a@a.a), July 26, 2002.
These are _not_ bootlegs!
-- Peter Xennedes (, July 26, 2002.
I am very interested in buying some vcds if they are in australia as i live in tasmania and if you are willing to sell to me that will be great and if you are interest in dealing send me an email at thankyou
-- Ricky Kane Green (, October 02, 2002.