Stock : LUSENET : CB550 : One Thread

I just received a 1975 550k, that had a 4-1 exhaust.I would like to restore this bike. When I spoke to several shops, I was told this make and model did not come with a 4-1. My question is what is the type I need to restore this bike.

Thank you for your time. Phillip

-- Phillip (, July 24, 2002


My 75 CB550 K model has four separate pipes.

-- Jim Malm (, July 25, 2002.

The CB550K did come with 4 separate pipes, whereas the 550F (also called the SS) did come with a 4-1. Unfortunately, I believe the 4-1 from the SS won't fit on a K. (Info: If you're looking to restore, look about for 4-4 pipe sets. They'll be hard to find, because a lot of owners went to the 4-1 for performance. My vote would be to leave the 4-1 on it and treat it as the anachronism to the rest of the restoration. Nick

-- Nick Lenarz (, July 30, 2002.

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