Settings for Panasonic Encoder or TMPGEnc? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have no idea what any of this stuff is on these pull-down menus. All these technicalities are over my head. Why does this have to be so difficult? And does it always have to take 2 days to make a VCD? ACK!

-- Anita (, July 23, 2002


if your file is ready to encode in tmpg..load it in and simply use a template..for vcd(ntsc for north america) on "load" in the bottom right corner, in the tmpg folder under "templates" choose vcdntsc.mcf and there you go..then click start..and as for time..on my puter i just double the time..ex: a movie thats 1 1/2 hours takes 3 to encode...on my other puter(amd k-6 500 mhz) it takes 30 hours for the same movie.

-- john boy (, July 24, 2002.

How do I find out how fast my computer is?

-- Anita (, July 24, 2002.

.when your puter is booting up..if its a dell or compaq or whatever (these are just examples)..when that first screen comes on with the name of the puter hold "delete" will then go into your bios..DO NOT change any settings but in there you can look for the cpu speed.

-- john boy (, July 25, 2002.

use its free and will tell you more than you will ever need to know about your pc.

-- westmich 01 (, July 29, 2002.

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