where to find vcd's in south africa

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i would like to know if there's anyone in south africa who knows where i can get vcd's or if anyone want to sell his/hers to me

-- refentse (diablo@tsamail.co.za), July 23, 2002


First off, are you kaffir?

-- (#@#.#), July 23, 2002.

to this motherfucker who's asking if i'm a kaffir....i'll bitch slap u back to your mama's vinegar sprinkeled rotten pussy

-- (d@yourmamaspussy.com), July 24, 2002.

What's a "kaffir"?

-- Steve (don't@spam.me), July 24, 2002.

I'm a South African living in Malaysia. VCDs and DVDs are sold very very cheap here. Send me an email if you are interested and we can discuss it further.

-- Wayne Ras (raswv@yahoo.co.uk), August 29, 2002.

Hi, I'm A south African too and I have been searching myself too death to a blink 182 vcd can you give me a place or website please i'm dying too know the name and price

Thank You Johan Juilius Van Zyl

-- Johan Juilius Van Zyl (johvz@mweb.co.za), February 14, 2003.

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