Where to Rent (or buy) Hong Kong TV series on VCD?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
What's the best place to rent Hong Kong TV series in VCD format on-line? Anything like Netflix.com but for Hong Kong movies/tv shows? I'm in the East Coast (USA), so if I'm renting some thing local would be better. So far, I've found this site: http://clubvcd.com/If you have Hong Kong series and sell at a lower price than the rental cost, I'd be interested as well.
-- Wai Kiu Lee (waikiulee@yahoo.com), July 21, 2002
Personally, I would try webjade.com or ehit.comI use to have an online rental account with webjade, then I discovered ehit... awesome. Has everything, even HK tv shows and series as well.
-- Steve (sd_tran@hotmail.com), July 24, 2002.
Hi,I do have some CD-rs for the newest TVB series, email me shld u be interested. Thanks
-- Carine (mitsublancer@wanadoo.fr), April 24, 2003.