pirated DVD sites with DVD's on Silver/Gold pressed discs???greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Does anyone know where i can get Silver/Gold pressed DVD's that are just out and cheap. If anyone knows a site, please let me know. I've already ordered from deevdee.com, great service, but i know there are cheaper sites out there. If you know of a site where they have these DVD's for under $8 with shipping included. Preferably in the U.S., if you know of a site, i'll give you a free vcd from my list. Just leave a response, and i'll check the site out, and send you my list. Thanks.
-- Adam (simpsons2006@hotmail.com), July 20, 2002
Adam how did you get on with you'r Hunt for DVD Silvers Iam asking because as yet I have not found a source for mine if you had any joy could you please let me know as i to am looking for a source for DVD Silvers and PS2 Copys and X-Box copys, A very Frustrated SCOTSMAN
-- William Allan (William.Allan5@btopenworld.com), September 04, 2002.
hi, looking for pirated DVDs? I've got all the titles you ever want...name em... but I'm not from US though... Drop me a msg if you're still interestedPS. It's definitely cheaper than Deevdee:)
-- louis chan (louischanks@pacific.net.sg), November 04, 2002.