Who are you!?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : All Things Final Fantasy II : One Thread

Hmm.. ok i'm going to give a list of Final Fantasy personality quiz' to see who you are because I have nothing to do and you are bored...:

Final Fantasy Tactics: What Tactics class are you?
Final Fantasy 6:
Who are you from ffVI
Final Fantasy 7:
Who are you from ffVII
Final Fantasy 8
Who are you from ffVIII
Final Fantasy 9
Who are you from ffIX
Final Fantasy 10
Who are you from ffX

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002


Knew I messed up some where... stupid little <'br>

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002

lmao. im Tifa lockheart.

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002

These are who I am...

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002

hmm..mine shows quite a trend.....I'm Locke, Cloud, Laguna, Zidane, and Wakka...now, what does that mean?

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002

Oh, and i forgot to mention, as far as tactics job classes go, I'm a thief.......


a master of "acquiring things without cost."

mischievous; quick; light-hearted
[Final Fantasy Tactics Job Class]

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002

Samurai, Shadow, Sephiroth, Squall, Freya, and...RIKKU?!?!?!? Notice a trend? All of my people are loners, except for the sugar high little girl. I'm Shadow...no surprise there....

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002

Yoink! that's me on the left!


a master of the mystical katana

noble; honorable; deadly
[Final Fantasy Tactics Job Class]

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002

6-1)Shadow, 2)Locke, 3)Cyan
7-1)Sephiroth, 2)Red XIII, 3) Vincent Valentine
8-1)Fuujin, 2)Seifer Almasy, 3)Edea Kramer
9-1)Garent, 2)Eiko, 3)Freya(well, there goes my evil trend...what the fuck? Garnet?)
10-1)Auron, 2)Rikku, 3)Wakka

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002

woops...tags...sorry...and i probably should have copied the whole JPG image for my wizard...

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002

For those of yuo too lazy to open the link to my site... I'll list them (and yes I know you are too lazy to go there because I wouldn't go if it wasnt mine either!)
Rikku on the first one, and Auron the second (I took 2 diffrent ffX quiz'

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002

FF8 - Seifer

FF10 - Wakka

-- Anonymous, July 19, 2002

FF6: Locke

-- Anonymous, July 19, 2002

tatic: White mage


FF*=8:(did not take test)

FF9: princess garnet


-- Anonymous, July 19, 2002

Red Mage Locke Red XIII Laguna Eiko Wakka... now if that isn't random nothing i can think of is...

-- Anonymous, July 19, 2002

Yeah, I'm Sephiroth!

Ish that cool or what?!

-- Anonymous, July 19, 2002


-- Anonymous, July 19, 2002

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by !

-- Anonymous, July 19, 2002

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by !

Go figure.

-- Anonymous, July 19, 2002

*Flies off to take the mythological test*

-- Anonymous, July 19, 2002

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by !

Cool. I am a Phionx

-- Anonymous, July 20, 2002

I'm a dragon.

-- Anonymous, July 20, 2002

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by !

at first i was an incubus, then i decided to take the test again and tell the truth.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2002

What mythical Creatue am I?:

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by
Chimera, isn't that great?

-- Anonymous, July 22, 2002

On the Final fantasy 7 test i was sephiroth for number 1. Followed by Vincent for number 2, then Cid for number 3. then i forgot the rest.

-- Anonymous, July 22, 2002


the famed master of black magic.

"efficient"; funny-looking; intelligent
[Final Fantasy Tactics Job Class]

-- Anonymous, July 22, 2002


a magician with knowledge of the mystic

adaptable; enigmatic; aloof
[Final Fantasy Tactics Job Class]
FF6=Relm FF7=Red XIII FF8=Irvine FF9=Steiner FF10=Auron .......maybe THIS is why everyone hates me???

-- Anonymous, July 22, 2002

I'm gonna sing the doom song now! Doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom Doom! Doom doom doom! Doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom! Doom doom doom! Doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom! Doom! Doom! Doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom! Doom doom doom doom doom doom! Doom doom doom doom! Doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom! Doom doom doom! The end! Oh wha's that?
Take the Invader Zim quiz! not like u all care about this tho

-- Anonymous, July 22, 2002


a courageous and powerful swordsman.

brave; integritous; commanding
[Final Fantasy Job Class]
Yeah I'm A knight!

-- Anonymous, July 22, 2002


a mage who uses white magic to heal and defend comrades.

gentle; protective; mild
[Final Fantasy Tactics Job Class]
ff10=Rikku I didn't even bother with the rest...gosh, I'm lazy...

-- Anonymous, July 22, 2002

6) Terra

7) Sephiroth

8) Edea

9) Freya

10) Seymour

Thats really cool! they're all my favourite characters *and* I didnt cheat!!! Okeeey, so this wld have been cool too:

6) Celes

7) Scarlet

8) Fujiin

9) Beatrix

but I think i'm just as happy with the other results!

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2003

6)Gogo 7)Cloud 8)Squall 9)Garnet 10)Wakka ( -.-# i feel cheated)

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2003

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