After 3 days, it's back : LUSENET : All Things Final Fantasy II : One Thread

I believe the reason the forum was not available for 3 days was because the Arsdigita computers moved to Redhat facilities. I hope nothing else changes anytime soon. Anyway, go ahead, post your ass off now.

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002


so...U want us to moon eachother? O.O

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002

Ugh, um, err, do what you want, in the privacy of your own post.

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002

Finally this site is back up. I thought it had passed on like other good sites.

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002

Hey, Kant, can you tell me what file holds the Admin. Password in Win. 2000? Maybe if I could delete this I could change settings that would allow me to free Davey from the burden I have placed upon him.

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002

I'm assuming you mean the Anarchy 2 forum??

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2002

Not that. My posts there.

-- Anonymous, July 20, 2002

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