putting image grapix to existing videogreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
hello world,this is to let somebody that a guy from the philippines wish to know you guy out there whom knowledgeable enough to understand this plea. I'm planning to edit the video background of my video karaoke box. I'm suppose to recopy it but still a logo or grapix attached before the video play which i really don't like are still there, i want to erase and change it to my like. i think it is possible to change it but i dont know what software to overlay and edit that image on my background video of my video karaoke box.
if there are someone out there can help, it is a great grace from the lord that as you the instrument to build unification thru out mankind.. more power to all and to the webmaster thanks for allowing me to post this plea...may the good lord blesses you.
-- joseph panimdim (jpans2k2@yahoo.com), July 12, 2002
If that clip is MPEG you can open it immediately in Premiere but better if u convert it back to some form of AVI first. Then take a simple graphic large enough to cover the logo u want to block and overlay that on video track 2. Then export the whole lot back to AVI or MPEG.
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), July 13, 2002.