my system cannot edit an avi file who is 4.8 mb : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I recorded a file in avi format and it is 4.8 mb big... but i cannot open it. I use virtualdubb to capture the file.. can any body help me why I cannot play or edit the file? I have a windows-ME system on my pc.TRANGA.
-- tranga (, July 12, 2002
Thats because fat32 doesnt support files over 4 gig (2 gig for avi i think). Pretty much the only way you can edit that file is to unstall an operating system that supports NTFS (NT4, XP) and then convert the drive that the file is on to NTFS. Either that or recap it with Virtualdub and this time turn on "Enable multisegment capture" in the Capture menu and set the file size to max 1900 meg. This mean every time Virtualdub reaches 1.9 gig it starts a new file
-- Batfink (, July 13, 2002.