WTB: Chinese mp3 CD's from Hong Kong (or anywhere in Asia)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I want to purchase Chinese mp3 CDs sold in Hong Kong. I purchased a few CDs from the 2001 collection, like this:


I want to by more. The disc sell for 6/$100 HKD in Sham Shui Po at the Golden Compter Arcade. I'm willing to pay DOUBLE the selling price plus a FINDER's FEE and pay for postage to USA. Please contact me if you are able to help me. I have directions to the store that sells these.


-- Wai Kiu Lee (waikiulee@yahoo.com), July 10, 2002


New link: http://membres.lycos.fr/xinru/Chinese%20mp3%20collection%20Vol%201% 20album%20list.jpg

-- Wai Kiu Lee (waikiulee@yahoo.com), July 10, 2002.

Are these CDs authentic or bootlegs?

-- (#@#.#), July 10, 2002.

I can get lots of Chinese Mp3 CDs from Malaysia which I believe shouldn't be different from those in Hong Kong.

-- DVD Land (dvd_land@hotmail.com), July 15, 2002.

Hi WK,

Let me the types of MP3 you require so that we can work out an arrangement. Price is negotiable depending on the volume and I can even arrange all logistic delivery at an attractive price.

-- PH (pohhingoh@hotmail.com), August 13, 2002.

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