Mp3 Codec Dissapears in : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Ive been using FlaskMpeg and it works great but just a couple days ago the mp3 codec for the audio has dissapeared and now i am forced to use PCM and my avi files and now twice the size. How has this codec disapeared and how can I get it back?
-- Ryan Christensen (, July 10, 2002
From FlaskMPEG FAQ:Why can't I select the MP3 codec?
This problem usually arises when you've already encoded something and then try to encode again without closing FlaskMpeg in the meantime. Logging off and on again should fix the problem, if not try to reboot. If the codec is still not available then you have to reinstall it again. Run the Register_DivX.exe file in the folder where you installed the DivX codec in.
-- eXpired (, December 26, 2002.
buy a pc !
-- Richard Hoo (, June 08, 2004.