VCD plays lousy in the last 10 minutes : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I just burned a VCD to disc and was happily enjoying it until the last 10 minutes of the disc. The video and audio became very jerky for some reason but the rest of the disc is fine.

I did all my editing in Premiere and exported it out with the Panasonic MPEG plug-in. The MPG plays fine from start to finish so I know that there is nothing wrong with the way I encoded it.

When I mute the audio or switch audio settings on my DVD player which is a JVC XV-60BK the video plays at normal speed. For some reason I think the audio and video are having trouble trying to synch up.

I have made many VCDs before and never had any problems until now. This is the first VCD that has only been 50 minutes in length. Most of my others were just about the whole disc.

Burning the disc with WinOnCD and Nero produced the same result.

Has anyone got any information they could pass along to me? I'd really appreciate any help.

Thanks! -Matt

-- Matt W. (, July 09, 2002


For some reason I suggest you try a different brand/type of CD-R media and see to it the outer part of the disc is clean coz that's where those ten minutes are.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, July 10, 2002.

I have 2 Apex players of the same model number. Only one of the two gave me the kind of problem you mentioned for SVCD. The following steps resolve my problems: Try a different brand of CD-R and burn at a lower speed. For experiment, see if it works on a CD-RW.

-- Ray (rpoon2@AOL.COM), July 10, 2002.

..I use NERO to output to VCD..and have no idea how to burn to "slower" speed. Anyways I try CD-RW...and it sucks too.

-- Emil Zysk (, December 18, 2002.

I have similar problem. VCD's burned in 2 different versions of Nero, by a Lite On 24x, then played back on standalone Apex AD-1500 DVD player. VCD's get progressively blockier towards end of disk, if I change the order of the files played, it's still the last ones are the worst. Nero only goes down to 8x on this drive. Different burning speeds don't seem to matter that much. Would this be a CLV--CAV incompatability?

-- (, December 24, 2002.

I should have mentioned: Newer Nero seemed to work a little better. I tested the VCD's as soon as they were burned with newer Nero, and they seemed to work; a couple of days later they didn't play as well. The best way to screw up playback was to press FF. The disks play OK on computer. One disk worked better on a Sony standalone DVD player, but a Hitachi had the same problems as mine. Will try CDRW, and report back.

-- (, December 25, 2002.

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