Anybody want to trade VCD's, i have a big : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
If anyone wants to trade VCD's, i have a pretty big list. If possible, the ones i really want are Men In Black 2, Mr. Deeds, The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, Bad Company SVCD, and Reign Of Fire. E-mail me for a list, and i'll get back to you within an hour most of the time.
-- Homer J. Simpson (, July 09, 2002
i would love to trade my starwars episode II & spiderman(svcd) for Mr. Deeds, The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course. give us a bell if u are interested and your location
-- jmnsw (, July 11, 2002.
-- JGIT LIOUS (PMH954@HOTMAIL.COM), July 28, 2002.
I am after Mr.Deeds, Crocodile Hunter, Men in Black 2 and Signs. I have lots of Vcd's. they are avi's. Here are some of them. Austin Powers 3 Goldmember, Ali G Indahouse, Star Wars episode 2, Spiderman. I have some more as well. I also have Dragonballz full episodes. Tonnes of them. If you are interested e-mail me back.
-- Damien Mclean (, August 27, 2002.
i have a massive list of vcd to trade in the UK... email me for details...
-- Liam Ford (, October 21, 2002.