July 6 -- today's saintsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread |
JmjToday, July 6, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- saints whose souls are now in heaven:
St. Maria Goretti (Italian, defended virginity when attacked by 19-year-old neighbor, martyred by stabbing at age 11 in 1902 [canonized 1950 (only canonization ever witnessed by a parent, Assunta Goretti)])
St. Dominica of Campania (Italian, virgin, early martyr)
St. Goar of Aquitaine (French, priest, hermit in Germany, c. 575)
St. Godeleva of Ghistelles (Belgian, noblewoman, martyred by drowning in 1070)
St. Isaiah [also called Isaias] (Israelite, Old Testament prophet, c. 681 B.C.)
St. Modwenna of Polesworth (English?, virgin, c. 900)
St. Moninne (Irish, abbess, d. 518)
St. Noyala of Brittany (French, virgin, early martyr)
Holy Martyrs of Orange [Bl. Marie-Rose de Loye (baptized Suzanne-Agathe) and 31 companions] (French ... Benedictine nun, two Cistercian nuns, sixteen Ursuline sisters, and thirteen members of the Institute of Perpetual Adoration ... martyred [guillotined] by revolutionaries in 1794 [beatified 1925])
St. Romulus of Fiesole, Carissimus, Dulcissimus, and Crescentius (Italian, converts of Pope St. Peter, bishop and companions, martyred c. 90)
St. Sexburga of Ely (English, daughter of one king and wife of another, mother of two, sister of five saints, widow, abbess, c. 699)
St. Sisoes (Egyptian, hermit for over 60 years, c. 429)
Bl. Thomas Alfield (English, priest, martyred by hanging in 1585 [beatified 1929])
St. Tranquillinus (Roman, martyred in 286)If you have anything to share about these holy people, please reply now -- biographical episodes, prayers through their intercession, the fact that one is your patron saint -- whatever moves you. If you are interested in one of these saints and want to find out more about him/her, please ask. Information is sometimes available on the Internet.
All you holy men and women, saints of God, pray for us.
God bless you.
-- J. F. Gecik (jfgecik@hotmail.com), July 06, 2002
-- (_@_._), July 06, 2002.
Hello, JohnLong time no see! ;-) I did a little reading on St. Maria Goretti. I read that you wrote her canonization was the only one that was ever witnessed by a parent.
I also read that when St. Maria Goretti was canonized by Pope Pius XII in 1950. One quarter million people were present. Among them was a ederly man that was weeping. His name was Alessandro Serenelli. This is the man that attempted to rape her, and stabbed her 14 times and she died 24 hours later.
Is this the only Canonization that was witnessed by the person that took the Saints life?[The murderer]
God bless
PS; I should make a note that he did repent after many years, he experienced a conversion following a dream in which Maria appeared to him and offered him lillies. He begged the family's forgiveness. Upon his release from prison, he visited Maria's mother to personally ask her pardon.
Maria did forgive him before she died!
-- David (David@excite.com), August 05, 2002.
Martes, 6 de agosto LA TRANSFIGURACION DEL SEÑOR (Fiesta) Daniel 7, 9-10. 13-14 / 2 Pedro 1, 16-19 / Mateo 17, 1-9 Salmo Responsorial Sal 96, 1-2. 5-6. 9 (R/. 1a y 9a) R/. "El Señor reina, altísimo sobre toda la tierra"
-- Enrique Ortiz (eaortiz@yahoo.com), August 06, 2002.
Hello, David.
Long time no see! ;-)Thanks for those excellent added facts about a great little saint.
-- (jfgecik@hotmail.com), August 12, 2002.
JmjOn July 6, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- saints and blesseds whose souls are now in heaven:
St. Maria Goretti of Corinaldo (Italian, defended virginity when attacked by 19-year-old neighbor, martyred by stabbing at age 11 in 1902 [canonized 1950 (only canonization ever witnessed by a parent, Assunta Goretti)])
St. Dominica of Campania (Italian, virgin, early martyr)
St. Goar of Aquitaine (French, priest, hermit in Germany, c. 575)
St. Godeleva of Ghistelles (Belgian, noblewoman, martyred by drowning in 1070)
St. Isaiah [also called Isaias] (Israelite, Old Testament prophet, c. 681 B.C.)
Bl. Mary Teresa Ledóchowska of Loosdorf [Maria Teresa] (Polish [born in Austria], noblewoman, founded Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver, d. 1922 [beatified 1975])
St. Modwenna of Polesworth (English?, virgin, c. 900)
St. Moninne of Killeavy (Irish, abbess, d. 518)
Bl. Nazaria Ignacia of St. Teresa of Jesus March Mesa of Madrid [Nazaria Ignacia de Santa Teresa de Jesus] (Spanish, virgin, founded Congregation of the Missionary Crusaders of the Church at Oruro, died in Argentina in 1943 [beatified 1992])
St. Noyala of Brittany (French, virgin, early martyr)
Holy Martyrs of Orange (French ... one Benedictine nun, two Cistercian nuns, sixteen Ursuline sisters, and thirteen members of the Institute of Perpetual Adoration [Sacramentines] ... martyred [guillotined] by revolutionaries in 1794 [beatified 1925])
[Each “beata” has an individual date of commemoration too. The names of these heroic women are:]
----- Bl. Mary Rose de Loye of Sérignan [Marie-Rose] [baptized Suzanne-Agathe (Susan Agatha)] (Benedictine, died at age 53) {This is also her individual memorial date.}
----- Bl. Mary St. Henry de Justamond of Bollène [Marie Saint-Henri] and Bl. (Sister) of the Heart of Mary de Justamond of Bollène [(Soeur) du Coeur-de-Marie] [baptized Marguerite-Eléonore (Margaret Eleanor) and Madeleine-Françoise (Madeleine Frances)] (biological sisters, Cistercians, died at ages 48 and 40) {July 12 and 16, respectively}
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Augustine Bonnet of Sérignan [(Soeur) Saint-Augustin] [baptized Marguerite (Margaret)] (Sacramentine, died at age 75) {July 26}
----- Bl. Catherine de Justamond of Bollène [baptized Marie-Madeleine (Mary Magdalen)] (Ursuline, died at age 70) {July 26}
----- Bl. Claire Dubas of Laudun [baptized Claire] (Ursuline, died at age 67) {July 26}
----- Bl. (Mother) of the Heart of Jesus de Consolin of Courthézon [(Mere) du Coeur-de-Jesus] [baptized Elisabeth] (Ursuline, superior, died at age 58) {July 26}
----- Bl. Iphigenia de Gaillard of Bollène [Iphigénie] [baptized Suzanne] (Sacramentine, died at age 33) {July 7}
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Melanie de Guilhermier of Bollène [(Soeur) Sainte-Mélanie] [baptized Madeleine] (Ursuline, died at age 61) {July 9}
----- Bl. Mary of the Angels de Rocher of Bollène [Marie-des-Anges] [baptized Marie-Anne (Mary Ann)] (Ursuline, died at age 39) {July 9}
----- Bl. (Sister) of Holy Wisdom d'Alauzier of Bollène [(Soeur) Sainte-Sophie] [baptized Gertrude] (Ursuline, died at age 37) {July 10}
----- Bl. Agnes de Romillon of Bollène [baptized Sylvie] (Ursuline, died at age 44) {July 10}
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Pelagius Bès of Beaume-du-Transit [(Soeur) Sainte-Pélagie] [baptized Rosalie] (Sacramentine, died at age 41) {July 11}
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Basil Cartier of Livron [(Soeur) Saint-Basile] [baptized Anne] (Ursuline, died at age 61) {July 20}
----- Bl. Madeleine de Justamond [baptized Dorothée] (Ursuline, died at age 51)
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Andrew Laye of Bollène [(Soeur) Saint-André] [baptized Marie-Rose] (Ursuline, died at age 66) {July 16}
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Michael Doux [(Soeur) Saint-Michel] [baptized Marie-Anne] (Ursuline, died at age 56)
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Joachim Béguin-Royal of Bouvantes [(Soeur) Saint-Joachim] [baptized Marie-Anne] (Sacramentine, died at age 58) {July 16}
----- Bl. Mary of Jesus Charrensol of Richerenches [Marie-de-Jésus] [baptized Thérèse ] (Sacramentine, died at age 36) {July 16}
----- Bl. Amy de Gordon of Mondragon [Aimée] [baptized Rose] (Sacramentine, died at age 61) {July 16}
----- Bl. (Mother) St. Gervase de Roquard of Bollène [(Mere) Saint-Gervais] [baptized Anastasie (Anastasia)] (Ursuline, superior, died at age 55) {July 15}
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Theoctista Pélissier of Bollène [(Soeur) Théotiste] [baptized Elisabeth] (Sacramentine, died at age 53) {July 11}
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Martin Blanc of Bollène [(Soeur) Saint-Martin] [baptized Claire] (Sacramentine, died at age 52) {July 11}
----- Bl. (Sister) of Holy Wisdom d'Albarède of Saint-Laurent-de-Carnols [(Soeur) Sainte-Sophie] [baptized Marguerite] (Ursuline, died at age 54) {July 11}
----- Bl. Rose Talieu of Bollène [baptized Thérèse ] (Sacramentine, died at age 48) {July 12}
----- Bl. (Sister) of the Good Angel Cluse of Bouvantes [(Soeur) du Bon-Ange] [baptized Marie] (Sacramentine, died at age 33) {July 12}
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Bernard de Romillon of Bollène [(Soeur) Saint-Bernard] [baptized Jeanne (Joan)] (Ursuline, died at age 41) {July 12}
----- Bl. Madeleine Verchières of Bollène [baptized Elisabeth] (Sacramentine, died at age 25) {July 13}
----- Bl. Mary of the Annunciation Faurie of Sérignan [Marie-de-l'Annonciation] [baptized Thérèse] (Sacramentine, died at age 24) {July 13}
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Alexis Minutte of Sérignan [(Soeur) Saint-Alexis] [baptized Andrée (Andrea)] (Sacramentine, died at age 54) {July 13}
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Francis Lambert of Pierrelatte [(Soeur) Saint-François] [baptized Marie-Anne] (Ursuline, died at age 52) {July 13}
----- Bl. (Sister) St. Frances Depeyre of Tulette [(Soeur) Sainte-Françoise] [baptized Marie-Anne] (Ursuline, died at age 38) {July 13}
St. Romulus, Carissimus, Dulcissimus, and Crescentius, of Fiesole (Italian, converts of Pope St. Peter, bishop and companions, martyred c. 90)
St. Sexburga of Ely (English, daughter of one king and wife of another, mother of two, sister of five saints, widow, abbess, c. 699)
St. Sisoes (Egyptian, hermit for over 60 years, c. 429)
Bl. Thomas Alfield of Gloucester (English, priest, martyred by hanging under Elizabeth I in 1585 [beatified 1929])
St. Tranquillinus of Rome (Italian, martyred in 286)If you have anything to share about these holy people, please reply now -- biographical episodes, prayers through their intercession, the fact that one is your patron -- whatever moves you. If you are interested in one of these saints or blesseds and want to find out more about him/her, please ask. Information is sometimes available on the Internet.
All you holy men and women, saints of God, pray for us.
God bless you.
-- J. F. Gecik (jfgecik@hotmail.com), July 05, 2003.