is there a possibilety to make a menu such as in a DVD?? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
is there a possibilety to make menus such as in a DVD..where yuo see a main screen and in the main screen u see stills wich refure to chapters...tranga
-- tranga (, July 03, 2002
The answer is no, as i've learned the only thing you can do is create a menu with thumbnails of SEPARATE video clips that you might have, and you can do this with nero 5.5. you can't have one single video and make chapters for different sections of it.
-- Daniel (, July 04, 2002.
you can do that just like a dvd!
-- okc (, July 05, 2002.
Go to
Ther's a good guide there on how to do it. Hope this helps.
-- Redhead (, July 05, 2002.
Roxio VideoPak has the routing capibilities you require for authoring
-- PNP man (, May 30, 2003.