AVI to Mpeg to my DVD player???greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Okay im a BIG novice. Now thats out the way id like to know how i can watch a movie i have which is in AVI format on my BUSH 2004 DVD player. I have downloaded loads of software as i realise i have to convert to MPEG but i need a kind simple soul to help me with the process. I have Cdquadrat which allows you to make VCD's and i know my DVD player will play VCDs i just really need help in knowing how to MAKE a vcd. Please someone out there put me out my misery and help me out.Thankyou.
John Mullins (no relation of Soldier of Fortune or the guy who advises in it!)
-- john Mullins (munkey_5@hotmail.com), July 01, 2002
lo necesito
-- tarres (tarrimix@mixmail.com), July 01, 2002.
Visit this site, http://www.vcdhelper.com/ and get the information you need.
-- otelo (okcjpc@hgea.org), July 01, 2002.