C of G Coaling Stationsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
There was a coal chute in Goodwater, AL, but it has been removed. Does anyone know of a similar coal chute that is still standing on a Central of Georgia line. Thanks.
-- William McMahan (whm1@ra.msstate.edu), June 30, 2002
The April-June 2002 issue (Vol. 6, No. 2) of THE RIGHT WAY contains 1930 photograph of the coal chute at Goodwater, Alabama. (It's on the rear cover.) Visible in the photograph are the penstock, water tank, depot, and a string of seven CofGa coal hoppers. Copies of this issue are still available. Contact me via private e-mail for ordering information.Allen Tuten
-- Allen Tuten (allen@cofg.org), June 30, 2002.
There are no coaling towers left on the CofG Alabama Division main but for those of you who would like to see a picture of the Goodwater (my home town) chute, please visit my HISTORY page on my website, Dale's Alabama Rail Pic's. The URL is: http://www.homestead.com/StagmiesALRailpics/History.html If this does not link, simply copy the whole URL and past it into you Address field. The HOME page is http://StagmiesALRailpics.homestead.com/Home.html If you visit, please be sure to sign the GUEST BOOK on the HOME page.
-- Dale E. Burns (burns186@bellsouth.net), June 30, 2002.
I'm not sure what the coaling facility at Goodwater looked like but I do know there is a coaling tower still standing at Union Springs AL. It is in excellant shape and stands quite tall. It's a reminder of days gone by since trackage through Union Springs has been abandoned and no trains operate by it. I understand there is also a tower similar to this one at Raymond GA although I have never seen it and I have heard there is an old CofG tower in Macon although again I have never seen it. Others here should be able to furnish more info on these two.Bryan Smith
-- Bryan Smith (bsmith3608@aol.com), June 30, 2002.