History Of Savannah & Atlanta RRgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
Is there any book or article available that details the history of the S&A?
-- Jack Neidlinger (jackgn@bellsouth.net), June 22, 2002
The book Ghost Trains & Depots of Georgia (1833-1933) gives the history of the S&A and its predicessors. This book is still in print and can be purchased from Amazon.com ect.
-- steve riley (jriley1002@aol.com), June 22, 2002.
Jack,There's short history of the S&A in the Q&A forum. If you'll go down the subject listing to SUBSIDIARY LINES, and then go to the question titled "S&A + G&F" you'll find it.
Also, Vol. 2, No. 3 of the Society's publication THE RIGHT WAY contains a short article on the S&A. That issue is still in print. Let me know if you'd like to purchase a copy.
Allen Tuten
-- Allen Tuten (allen@cofg.org), June 22, 2002.