Louisville & Wadley Informationgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
I have a couple of follow up questions to the "SW-1 In Wadley, Georgia" thread from a few months back. When did the Louisville & Wadley and Wadley Southern actually dieselize? I have conflicting information of either 1955 or 1956. Also, from the earlier thread, is Billy Gibson still keeping the L&W in "operation" as a corporate entity?Thanks,
-- Steve Flanigan (leeflan@pacbell.net), June 18, 2002
Steve, I spoke with Mr. Gibson back on June 11, 2002, and based on our conversation, yes, he is maintaining the L&W as an operating entity.
-- Stephen S. Syfrett (syfrettinc@bellsouth.net), July 14, 2002.