Is video cd-rom the same as VCD? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I ordered off of ebay what the seller called "video cd-roms." I don't know if it's the same thing as VCDs. Like an idiot, I bought it before I asked. Also, is the JVC DVD player model #XV-S45GD a good VCD player? Any help would be great! :)

-- Miaka Troy (, June 13, 2002


VCD may or may not be the same as video cd-rom. It's possible that a conventional ISO9660 CD-ROM can contain a video file *.MOV or something so that is a video cd-rom, BUT it is NOT VCD. The XV-S45 is a conventional JVC DVD player that can play VCDs and CD-R/RW. U should have taken the XV-S65 because it has progressive scan (of worth only with NSTC DVDs, and only with TVs supporting such) for just a few $$ more.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, June 15, 2002.

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