Star Trek: Voyager on VCD? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Since Star Trek: Voyager won't be out on DVD for at least a few years, I began looking for Voyager in VCD format.I have seen references to Voyager being available in Asia but have not made any progress despite many weeks of searching. I also see people selling these sets on auction sites but they have very sketchy details.
I would love to buy a set of all Voyager episodes! Perhaps someone in this forum has come across Voyager VCD's for sale before?
-- PoolOfSickness (, June 11, 2002
As far as I know, the series has not been legitimately released to VCD format yet. I would assume if you find Voyager VCDs that they are homemade from over the air broadcasts and as such, who knows what kind of quality you'll get? I know this doesn't help you find the VCDs, but I just wanted to make sure you knew you're most likely going to be buying bootlegs.
-- Root (, June 12, 2002.
i actually found your question while looking for some voy vcd's myself. i came across them on ebay in two different formats--one claims to be from overseas and has pretty official looking pictures of the cases and discs but only seasons 1-6. their website is not sure about the prices; you'd have to email them. and another person sells them on ebay as cd's with .wmp files (windows media player, which not all dvd players will play, but which a friend of mine says can be converted to vcd). he says there are 44 cd's for all 7 seasons (4 episodes per disc), and these are pretty obviously episodes recorded from tv. the final prices on ebay range from a little under $100 to a little over $200. he says he sells outside of ebay for $100 plus $17 shipping. i'm apprehensive about sending someone that much money considering that his account names on ebay have low or no feedback, but i think i'm gonna go for it anyway, and if you want, you can email me and find out if i got the discs and what they're like quality/format-wise. so good luck!
-- Meghan (, September 16, 2002.
I have been downloading Enterprise Episodes off KaZaA... if you Download the ones that are vcd and like around 450 MB.. the quality is almost perfect. i know that don't help with Voyager but if you find something similar for voyager it is worth it
-- DH (, May 23, 2003.
I got all of the Star Trek Voyager on SVCD ripped from digital cable, best your going to find, email me
-- tdogg4ya (, June 02, 2003.