Two BM 2002 tidkets for 140$ : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread |
These are cheap because we bought them at the orininal offering. Please respond by email, then phone. Enjoy the Burn!
-- (, June 11, 2002
Hi - I would love to buy your tickets. My girlfriend and I are going. It's our first time! Let me know if you are still interested in selling them. I live in colorado. I don't see where your phone number is listed. Here's my number. Give me a call so we can work out the arrangements.Thanks,
-- Michelle Asher (, August 18, 2004.
I'm willing to pay and trade artwork for the ticket if they're still available! thanks, anna lee.. call or email 510.593.5906
-- anna lee (, August 27, 2002.
i'll take em
-- dan persichini (, August 18, 2002.
I am very interested in these tickets if they are still available. please let me know. thanks.-stu
-- stu berzin (, July 19, 2002.