Please help me on making a VCD from my .avi file?! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
To start off, I am new to making VCD's, and I need help badly. I would apreciate the help greatly. I just want to know how to make a VCD from my .avi format movies. Try to make your explanations in lamenst terms, because I don't understand most of the terminology used. Also, If some1 could just give me some easy steps on making a VCD from .avi files, that would be excellent. For example( First, you need this/these software blah blah. Second you use the program to convert, etc.) Thanks alot!
-- Edgar Morales (, June 09, 2002 has some excellent guides that tell you step by step what you need and how to do it.
-- root (, June 10, 2002.
You can use TMPGEnc. It's quiet easy to use (with GUI).Mirko
-- Stuffel, Mirko Alexander (, June 12, 2002.
All well and good, I have TMPGEnc which produces nice MPG files I can play on my PC, however, burning them onto CD's and sticking them in my Panasonic RV32 DVD/VCD player produces an unrecognised CD. Do I need to save a particular extension or stick the file in a particular folder ???
-- Stu (, November 23, 2002.
Get VCDEASY software. it is free. It is easy. And it will control the burning of the disk as well.
-- no one (, February 04, 2003.